
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Can into space?
Polandball, staring at the night sky

Poland is the main character of this franchise. He works as a plumber for the United Kingdom, and in his free time he dreams about going to space. He hates communism, having experienced it. He is also very Catholic and values traditional culture very much.

The flag on this Polish ball is usually drawn upside down, because, well, everything in Poland is upside down (also in Australia), according to Reddit at least.

Historia (History)

Poland was a communist puppet of the Soviet Union before June 4th 1989, when the communist government stepped down due to protest and a democratic government was formed. Poland's economy slowed down, but was saved thanks to economic boom starting as early as 1995.

Poland became a member of the Visegrád Group in 1991, joined NATO in 1999, and voted to join the EU in 2004. And in 2007, Poland joined the Schengen Area, opening its borders to all other European Union member states. Poland has made its clear that he is pro-Western.

Poland got infected with COVID-19 in 2020, and it had over 6,661,600 cases over the course of around 4 years to this day. During this pandemic, Poland accidentally made a blockage in sovereign Czech territory, essentially annexing a small part of Czechia. The local community trying to go to their church were stopped by Polish border control guards. It is unknown how long this lasted for.

After the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, more than 17 million Ukrainian refugees have crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border, and 0.9 million have stayed in Poland. And in 2022, missiles from the war landed in Poland, killing 2 people. Poland have been waiting to activate NATO's Article 5 ever since.

In May 2024, after one of Poland’s soldiers at the Belorussian border got killed by an illegal with a spear, Poland has ordered to kill anyone attempting to cross into their border illegally. Clashes between illegals and border guards became more frequent. The European Union also got mad at Poland for not taking refugees from non-bordering countries, such as Syria and Afghanistan. The EU proposed a €22,000 fine for each person Poland refuses to take in, and started labeling Poland as “ Islamophobic and Fascist”.

Memy (Memes)

There has been a lot of memes about Poland that were trending on the internet over the years. Like the Polish Toilet, a spinning glowing toilet. Another popular meme is the "Polish Cow," which features a song with surreal animations that went viral. There is also the “Poland is everywhere” meme, where a person will edit an image/screenshot by saturating (along with other effects) the image and zooming in to make the image, in the end, look the the Polish white-and-red flag. Polandball itself was a meme based on Poland.

Ciekawostki (Trivia)

  • Poland has one of the world's oldest salt mines.
  • Vodka originated from Poland, not Russia.
  • Poland had the world's first upside down house (iconic!)
  • Poland actually can into space in real life.[1] (but it was under Communism so Poland doesn’t count it.) There is also the other countries that cannot into space in real life, including Somalia, South Sudan, Eritrea, Liechtenstein and few countries. However, they’re not stereotyped like this as Poland is.
  • In Poland, spider webs and webs are common festive decorations.

Prezydenci (List of Presidents)

Presidents of the Third Polish Rzeczpospolita
Name Number Party In Office
Lech Wałęsa 1 Solidarność 1990-1997
Aleksander Kwaśniewski 2 SLD 1997-2005
Lech Kaczyński 3 PiS 2005-2010✞
Bronisław Komorowski 4 PO 2010*-2015
Andrzej Duda 5 PiS 2015-2025

Relacje (Relations)

Przyjaciele (Friends)

  • Węgry - Polak, Węgier Dwa Bratanki! My best friend ever. Can best friends since of Middle Ages. We are not relatives, but we call each other siblings. We are rivals in the sport of football only. Both into hatings  Reich kraut . Thanks for accepting my refugees in 1939. Even if we speak a different language, we still understand each other. Usually, I cheer him up when he is sad. But I have to help Ukraine instead of siding with Russia due to the history between the two of us Slavs, so sorry brother.
  • Litwa - My crush friend that can into many good history together!
  • Dania - We had a long history together, you helped me in medieval wars! And only fought me once
  • Niemcy - A friend. We have had a long love-hate friendship with each other. PLS HELP INTO SPACE! Maybe we can talk about Konigsberg.
  • Ukraina (until late 2023) - You're welcome for the support! Maybe we can talk about Lviv.
  • Francja - We both hate Russia
  • Protestujący w Hongkongu w latach 2019–2020 - My peoply resonate with yuor fight for freedom.

Neutralny (Neutral)

Wrogowie (Enemies)

Jak Rysować (How to draw)

Flag of Poland
(right-side-up version)

Poland has a drawing rating of trivial.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill the top half of the ball with red, the bottom half with white (vise versa for non-meme version)
  3. Add the eyes and you are done!
Color Name HEX
Red #DC143C

Galeria (Gallery)

Notatki (Notes)

  1. On June 27, 1978, Polish astronaut Mirosław Hermaszewski became the first and only Pole to fly to space, spending almost eight days aboard the Soviet Soyuz 30 spacecraft and the Salyut 6 space station.

Nawigacja (Navigation)