São Tomé and Príncipe

From Heterodontosaurus Balls

São Tomé and Príncipe, officially the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, is a small country in Africa located mainly on two islands. He does not exporting much stuff, just fish and cocoa.

It is of knowing that he will be 4th (fourth) country to be underwater if the world's global heating doesn't stop, according to envoirmentalists. But probably not since they’ve been yapping about this for decades now and no country has yet been underwater. He is probably one of the most, if not the most irrelevant country on Earth.

He may be the only real democracy in central Africa.

History[edit | edit source]

By the late 1950s, as nations across Africa sought independence, a small group of São Toméans founded the Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe (MLSTP). This group eventually established its base in nearby Gabon. Gaining momentum in the 1960s, events accelerated after the overthrow of the Caetano dictatorship in Portugal in April 1974.

The new Portuguese regime was committed to dissolving his overseas colonies. Following a transitional government, São Tomé and Príncipe achieved independence on July 12, 1975, with MLSTP secretary general Manuel Pinto da Costa becoming the first president.

In 1990, São Tomé and Príncipe became one of the first African nations to undertake democratic reforms. Constitutional changes legalized opposition parties, leading to nonviolent, free, and transparent elections in 1991. Miguel Trovoada, a former prime minister who had been exiled since 1986, returned as an independent candidate and was elected president. He was re-elected in the second multiparty presidential election in 1996.

The Party of Democratic Convergence won a majority in the National Assembly, while the MLSTP became a significant minority party. Municipal elections in late 1992 saw the MLSTP winning a majority of seats in five of seven regional councils. In the October 1994 legislative elections, the MLSTP won a plurality of seats and regained an outright majority in November 1998.

Presidential elections in July 2001 resulted in the election of Fradique de Menezes, backed by the Independent Democratic Action party, who was inaugurated on September 3. Parliamentary elections in March 2002 led to a series of short-lived opposition-led governments.

In July 2003, the army seized power for a week, citing corruption and unfair distribution of forthcoming oil revenues. An accord restored president de Menezes to office. This cohabitation period ended in March 2006 when a pro-presidential coalition won enough seats in National Assembly elections to form a new government. In 2022, a potential coup attempt was thwarted.

In September 2021, Carlos Vila Nova, the candidate of the center-right opposition Independent Democratic Action (ADI), won the presidential election.

Relations[edit | edit source]

Friends[edit | edit source]

  • Angola - My best friend and brother.
  • Portugal - Adoptive parent. At least you didn`t sell me.

How to draw[edit | edit source]

Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Divide the ball into three horizontal stripes in the colors of green, yellow, green.
  3. Draw a red triangle on the left side of the ball.
  4. Draw two black stars in the yellow stripe.
  5. Add the eyes and you’re done!
Color Name HEX
Green #009739
Yellow #FFD100
Red #EF3340
Black #000000