My wiki:About

From Heterodontosaurus Balls

I’ve always had an interest in wiki-like websites, so I created my own, for what I think is the truth, for my view of the world (otherwise I would’ve just joined Polandball or Polcompball wiki). I always get the final say. I payed the money to keep this site running. If you want a more free space to edit, or are mad about the things I put on this wiki, I would suggest you go edit the Polandball and Polcompball wiki instead. This website is anti-communist and conservative. This website is not suited for communists, socialists, modern leftists, progressives, feminists (especially third wave), LGBTQ affiliated people, Darwinists, and atheists.


When you make an account, make sure to message me ( Heterodontosaurus) to confirm you are not a bot. Otherwise, your account might be deleted! (Usually I can tell real people from bots, but this is just to make sure)


  • Be civil. Don’t make personal insults, and don’t use swear words.
  • Don’t vandalize.
  • No doxxing.
  • No racism.

Contest Rules

  • Don't spam edits nor edit farm, that’s cheating.
  • Don't harass the winner.
  • Dont make low quality edits. Genuinely contribute.
  • Follow the editing rules.

Page Creating

  • When you create a page, don’t just leave it there with almost no content. At least make it decent.
  • Make sure I have a drawing of the character of the page you’re making.
  • Redirects are not allowed since there’s no way to remove them from the search bar and they look bad on the search bar. Until MediaWiki adds back the feature to exclude redirects or have the search bar be like Wikipedia’s, redirects are forbidden. (Non-mainspace redirects are allowed)
  • In names, use ' instead of ’ (“People's Republic of China” instead of “People’s Republic of China”)
  • For pages of Characters, the title cannot start with a special symbol whose Unicode is lower than U+002D.
  • For pages of non-characters (such as lists and disambiguation pages), the title must start with bracket.

Editing Guide

  • When editing, make sure to log on to your account. It makes us easier to identify who you are.
  • Each page should have the image drawn by me ( Heterodontosaurus) in their infoboxes.
  • There should be the official name, native name (Latin name if there is no native name), and the year they started and ended to exist.
  • The infobox should also have predecessor and succeeder (if they have one).
  • An introduction is needed, followed by a history section.
  • In the introduction, the character’s name should be mentioned and bolded.
  • All sections (except for the Gallery section, Notes section, Navigation section, and sometimes, the Songs section) should be before the How to Draw section.
  • Put a space between text and icons. It looks better.
  • Don’t edit infoboxes in visual mode, it adds a string of unnecessary code that messes up the page.
  • Refrain from using swear words. If you use swear words, censor them. The only case a “swear” is allowed is that if it is part of a name.
  • Every mention of a country, ideology, language or person that is not the page’s subject should have an icon and link.
    • For people, link them to their closest ideologies. If you don’t know, link them to their country of origin.
  • Don’t upload other people’s art on this website without their permission. Try to make your own art, it’s fun!
  • When editing an ideology’s people and examples, list them from their time of existence, oldest to newest.
  • Don’t link to other articles/pages on other websites or videos, whether they be conservative, neutral or liberal. This is for a complicated reason, some of which personal. If you see something from an article or video about a subject you find useful, add the contents to the page!
  • Copy and pasting from other sources is allowed, but make sure to change the pronouns from it/its to he/him or she/her, since entities here are presented as characters. Also make sure to have all the necessary links and icons. If the text you copied and pasted doesn’t match these criteria’s, it may be removed.
  • No pro-CCP and communist propaganda.

Non-Mainspace Pages

Non-mainspace pages are pages where you can create a subject where I usually won't intervene (as long as you don't break the rules). Nothing is guaranteed to be included when the page is created on the main space. These pages can be considered a sandbox.

Make sure that it isn't repeated if you want to make one.


Uploading Files

Try to compress your files using Optimizilla. It reduces the file size and keeps the quality. But if you have small details in your drawing, don’t compress using Optimizilla, instead use and selected lossless compression.

  • Also don’t use Optimizilla to compress digital flags and symbols that will be used in a page’s “How to draw” section, because we want to keep the exact colours and sometimes the compressed image’s colours will be a little bit off.

If you use IbisPaint, try to use canva size to compress your file.

Allowed & Not Allowed Ball Types

A wide variety of balls, like countries, polcomp, companies, and more. I will be going over which balls is allowed here and which not.


  • Countryballs - The original, basically what this wiki is based off of.
  • Planetballs - Interesting, and close enough to countryballs.
  • Polcompballs - Interesting, and close enough to countryballs.
  • Companyballs - Less interesting, but still close enough to countryballs.
  • Philosophyballs - Interesting, and close enough to polcompballs.
  • Ethnicityballs - Interesting, and close enough to countryballs.
  • Disorderballs, & other relatedballs - Pretty interesting
  • LGBallT - I dislike their agenda and degeneracy, but are allowed here because the study of these delusional people and their flags are interesting. Can also be categorized as disorderballs
  • Geographyballs (mountains, rivers, etc.) - Less interesting, but still close enough to country/planetballs.
  • Chromeballs (computer softwareballs) - Interesting, and close enough to companyballs.
  • Languageballs - I decided to allow them
  • Communityballs - About other communities, and can be counted as ideologies since each community have their biases.
  • Artballs - Interesting, about art and aesthetics, also includes music
  • VideoGameballs - Close enough to chromeballs


  • Bioballs - I don’t know how to feel about this one. Its relativity towards original countryballs are almost none, but I’m getting more interested in this by the day. But, it’s not all family friendly
  • Elementballs - seems interesting, but still wondering on the design


  • Chemballs - about chemistry
  • Colorballs - about colors, idk if they are notable though

Not Allowed: Not specified as of now

History of Heterodontosaurus Balls

  • June 2023 - “Heterodontosaurus’ Balls Wiki” was created on Fandom.
  • September 2023 - “Heterodontosaurus’ Balls Wiki” gets shut down by Fandom due to being a “countryball-related topic”.
  • April 2024 - “Heterodontosaurus Balls” was reopened, on its own website.
  • 22 June 2024 - Mika registers, boosting the population of the site to 2.
  • 27 June 2024 - Andrew registers, boosting the population of the site to 3.
  • 4 September 2024 - A giant spam bot wave comes, and started creating spam accounts and pages every few seconds. This lasted more than one hour until it was finally realized and stopped. A few days was spent cleaning up the mess.
  • 6 September 2024 - Andrei registers, boosting the population of the site to 4.
  • 20 September 2024 - The great icon revamp wave starts. The countryball icons are now revamped to be more original and more convenient.
  • 14 October 2024- The icon revamp wave ends, when the last icon got revamped
  • 21-22 November 2024 - The first contest takes place, and whoever edits Authoritarianism the most wins. Mika wins with 12 edits, and in second place is LBMapping12 with 7 edits, and in third place is Andrew with 2 edits. Mika picks Mars to be created.
  • 22 November 2024 - LBMapping12 registers, boosting the population of the site to 5. This wiki was also advertized in the announcements channel on the League of Mappers Discord server by Tyronian Mapping which he was an admin of.
  • 24 November 2024 - DualPlay registers, boosting the population of the site to 6. He discovered this wiki from Global Countryballs Organization and Philosophyball discord server.
  • 25 November 2024 - Wuobbo‎‎ registers, boosting the population of the site to 7.
  • 6 December 2024 - Andrew gets blocked from Century of Humiliation to prevent an edit war, because he usually reverts deleted edits since he is too young to understand.
  • 17 December 2024 - Wikiball registers, boosting the population of the site to 8.
  • 23 December 2024 - A campaign was set out by Heterodontosaurus to revisit every infobox picture and remove the transparent pixels + fix some small mistakes. This process is estimated to last more than two months.
  • January 5, 2025 - HetaliaEmbracer registers, boosting the population of the site to 9
  • 19 January 2025 - 汉武EISM registers, boosting the population of the site to 10.
  • 20 February 2025 - OberourAM registers, boosting the population of the site to 11.
  • 20 March 2025 - Every infobox image has been fixed, the articles and flags have all been canonized, and the campaign has finally ended. New page creations may now proceed.