
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Hi. You're on a rock, floating in space. Pretty cool, huh?
Bill Wurtz, history of the entire world, i guess

The Earth is one of the 4 rocky planets in our Solar System, the third closest to the Sun. She is the planet that we live on, and the only planet that have been confirmed to harbor life. The Earth is mainly made up of oceans (large bodies of salt water) and dirt. Scientists have speculated that the inside of the Earth contains molten magma and an extremely hard core (but we have never actually been to the insides of the Earth).

According to scientists, the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Since then, there have been lots of life on the planet, varying from plants, dinosaurs, rats, and more. Humans became the most advanced species and civilization on Earth. Some people think the truth to life is the “ evolution” theory, where all life has a common ancestor, and with enough time a fish could turn into a human by “adapting” to the environment by changing their genes (and somehow not mutating). Theists believes that all things, including this Earth and life was created from a creator.

Earth is also the deadliest planet because 99.999% of humans died on Earth



Earth has been formed by combining rocks (planetesimals) that orbits the Sun. It was a hot rock of magma, and not protected by an atmosphere nor magnetic field. Baby Earth was very vulnerable.

Then Theia, a hypothetical Mars-sized planet entity, became too close to Earth and crashed into her, causing Theia to die. The debris orbit around the Earth caused by Theia, is said to have formed into the Moon. Another theory is that the Earth was spinning really fast and causing a chunk of mass being stretched out and eventually thrown into space, forming the Moon.

The planetesimals and icy planets had hit the earth, containing Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Oxygen, leading to the first ocean to form, but it was too toxic to support life.

These early conditions on Earth, with its hostile environment and frequent impacts, eventually gave way to a period known as the Late Heavy Bombardment around 4 billion years ago. During this time, numerous comets and asteroids bombarded the planet. Gradually, the Earth's surface cooled, forming a solid crust and stabilizing the climate. Volcanic outgassing created a primitive atmosphere, and as the planet continued to change, Earth eventually became hospitable enough to support life. The liquid core had formed and created magnetic field, which protected the planet from harmful solar radiation and helped maintain a stable environment. Earth also underwent multiple ice ages, known as “Snowball Earth”.

As the atmosphere developed and the planet cooled further, water began to condense, leading to the formation of non-toxic oceans. These bodies of water played a crucial role in the development of life, providing a medium in which chemical reactions could take place. The first lifeforms appeared, in the late Precambrian period.

The next 289 million years, known as the Paleozoic Era, saw the creatures of the waters thrive, and also many plants, amphibians and land-dwelling reptiles appeared. This era had some of the most bizarre looking creatures of all time. The Paleozoic also experienced four mass extinction events. After the Paleozoic, was the Mesozoic Era, which lasted 186 million years. This era was dubbed the “age of the dinosaurs”, since in this era, the dinosaurs dominated every corner of the globe. In the middle of the Mesozoic, a supercontinent called “Pangaea” was formed. After a mass extinction event (usually thought as an asteroid impact) in 66 MYA, the dinosaurs were completely wiped out. From 66 MYA to the present day is known as the Cenozoic Era, where mammals took the dinosaur’s throne and became the dominant species group (though not as dominant as the dinosaurs). Eventually, no more than one million years ago, human civilization appeared.

Humans almost instantly dominated the world, and became the most powerful species on Earth. Though they sometimes overuse resources and cause harm to the planet.


  • The Earth is the only planet in our solar system with a breathable atmosphere.
  • Earth is the only planet to have been confirmed to have life forms.
  • Earth is the only planet in our solar system that is not named after a Greco-Roman god/godess (unless you use the name “Terra”).



  • Mars - DO YOU HAVE WATER?? TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!!1!1!1 Also why to my humans always want to go to you? You’re not even habitable!
  • Venus - You used to look like me… perhaps you had life too. Too bad now you are just a burning pile of acid.
    • EXCUSE ME?!


  • Great Pacific Garbage Patch - STOP POLLUTING MY OCEANS!!
  • Buddhism - Accept my true shape, cuh! Though I like how you promote peace.
  • Theia - Why did you even came close to me? It costed your life! Also you hit my head pretty hard and now I have a headache and a bunch of debris around me, thanks.
  • North Korea - You just think you’re better than everyone else, huh?

How to draw

An image of Earth
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color it blue, for the ocean.
  3. Draw some landmasses in green, yellow, beige and every color in between on the ocean.
  4. Add some white clouds covering the ball.
  5. Add a light shining blue ring around the ball to represent the atmosphere.
  6. Add eyes and you’re done!


  1. It is said that Buddha himself knew that the world is round but withheld this fact from his disciples because they would not have believed it and it was not important to enlightenment. Buddha’s original teachings (Hīnayāna) were geared towards the early minds of people who just had emerged out of ancient society twenty-five thousand years ago.
  2. Humans cause “global warming” which damages the Earth, though the media heavily overexaggerates it. The main reason Earth hates humans is because they always go to war with each other.