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The Catholic Faith, which always preserves the unfashionable virtue, is at this moment alone sustaining the independent intellect of man.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Catholicism, sometimes called the Catholic Church or Roman Catholic Church, or Catholic Theocracy as an ideology, is one of the main and most numerous Christian denominations. Catholicism recognizes Pope's supremacy over church, with the Pope serving as the spiritual leader and the central figure in the hierarchy of the Church. This denomination emphasizes a tradition that traces its origins back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles, believing that the Pope is the successor to Saint Peter, whom Catholics consider the first Pope.


Catholicism's history begins with Jesus Christ and his teachings in the 1st century AD in the region of Judea (Judaea) within the Roman Empire. After Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, his followers, the Apostles, spread his teachings, establishing the early Christian communities. Saint Peter, regarded as the first Pope, is believed to have led the early Church and laid the foundations for its hierarchical structure. This early period saw the development of core doctrines and practices that would shape the Catholic Church as it grew and spread throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

On the 27th of February (the second month) of the year 380 AD, the Edict of Thessalonica was issued by emperor Theodosius I, making Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire, outlawing all other religions and legalizing the prosecution of their followers.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, most of the Germanic tribes that previously practiced Arian Christianity adopted Chalcedonian Christianity in order to ally themselves with the religious figures of the regions they were invading, leading to most of the former Western Roman Empire becoming a Catholic theocracy loyal to the Vicar of Christ in Rome, while the Eastern Roman Empire evolved into an Orthodox theocracy loyal to the Emperor of Byzantium after the schism of 1054 permanently split European Christianity.

Doctrine & Beliefs

Catholics believe that tradition and scripture are equally authoritative.

Catholic doctrine is rooted in the Scriptures and Sacred Tradition, both of which are interpreted and taught by the Church's Magisterium, or teaching authority. The Catholic Church is known for its sacraments, with seven sacraments being central to its practice: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance (or Reconciliation), Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. The Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is particularly significant as Catholics believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation, where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ during the Mass.

The Catholic Church also places a strong emphasis on the veneration of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the saints. Saints are considered to be individuals who have led lives of exemplary holiness and are believed to be in heaven. Catholics often seek their intercession in prayer.

Catholic social teaching is another important aspect of the faith, focusing on issues such as the dignity of the human person, the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity. This teaching guides the Church's stance on a wide range of social issues, including poverty, justice, and the sanctity of life.


The structure of the Catholic Church is hierarchical, with the Pope at the top, followed by cardinals, bishops, priests, and deacons. The Church is divided into dioceses, each overseen by a bishop, and further subdivided into parishes, each led by priests. The hierarchy helps maintain the unity and governance of the Church across the world, allowing for consistent teaching and administration. The Church also includes religious orders, such as monks and nuns, who live according to specific spiritual disciplines under their own leadership while remaining connected to the broader Church structure.




  • Crusadism - As of now, I can't directly call out support for you, I am sorry.
  • Orthodoxy - We work together more often than not now, even if he is a schismatic. You have some heterodox theology too. But under no circumstances convert Orthodox Christians. It is a transgression again the ecumenist goal!
  • Judaism - Please, just accept Jesus as the son of God already.
  • Agnosticism - God exists, period. Now go do some good deeds.


  • Protestantism - I may not be as antagonistic toward you as in the 17th century, but our doctrines are inherently incompatible since you reject the papal authority. And you’re still a heretic.
  • Lutheranism - You’re the one responsible for this mess! Stop criticizing me!
  • Islam - Traitor! He destroyed Constantinople and he wanted to destroy Rome! What a disgrace...
  • Paganism - It’s time to convert!
  • Atheism - You will be burned you heathen!
  • Screech - I already banished you with my crucifix so stop reappearing!
  • Seek & Figure - What? How did you break free of my crucifix?

How to draw

Symbol of the Catholic Church
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill the ball with yellow.
  3. Draw the Catholic symbol in the middle.
  4. Add the eyes and you are done!
  5. Add a pope’s hat (optional)
Color Name HEX
Yellow #FFE000
Red #D00B0E

See Also