Mika - I thought Japan and South Korea hate each other (South Korea never forgave Japan in comics, Polandball wiki and Countryhuman Wiki)
Heterodontosaurus - Maybe it’s a stereotype, we can include South Korea as a frenemy. I know both countries worked together with USA against China, its mostly North Korea who still hold a grudge against Japan.
AndrewMapping - can someone make a QUAD icon?
Mika - What does QUAD icon look like?
Heterodontosaurus - maybe live four small balls (India Japan Australia USA) together
AndrewMapping - oh ok
Mika - I’m making this
Heterodontosaurus - Alright
Heterodontosaurus - so did you make it?
Mika - No, but you made it.
Heterodontosaurus - I didn’t make it, I just put four icons side by side because we don’t have a singular icon for it yet.