Japan is a country located in East Asia, made up of many islands. She is a very developed country
known for advanced technology. From the iconic bullet trains that whisk passengers across the country at incredible speeds to the intricate craftsmanship seen in traditional tea ceremonies, Japan seamlessly blends her ancient traditions with cutting-edge innovation. Classic food from Japan includes sushi. Japan is also the longest lasting Monarchy in the world.
Her neighbors are North Korea,
South Korea, and
People's Republic of China to the west;
Taiwan to the southwest; and
Russia to the north. Her maritime borders are the
Sea of Okhotsk to the north, the
East China Sea and the
Philippine Sea to the south, the
East China Sea to the west, and the
Pacific Ocean to the east.
Since Japan is a group of islands located right on the Ring of Fire, she is very vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis.
歴史 (History)
歴史的背景 (Historical Context)
Japanese Empire had dreamed of being the biggest and strongest empire in the world, surpassing
Britain. So he invaded and ruled South East Asia and another
county which looks white. He committed many war crimes. He also tried to rule all of
China but failed because
China refused to give up even in the most extreme situations.
When he attacked America, America blocked him and killed Japan with two nukes (named Fat Man and Little Boy). So Japan failed to achieve his dream.
America then occupied Japan until 1952.
新しい始まり (A New Beginning)
Japan experienced rapid economic growth in the 1950s, becoming the second-largest economy by 1970, restoring its status as a great power. However, the asset price bubble burst in 1992, leading to a decade of economic stagnation and low growth. Despite this, Japan did not sign a peace treaty with Russia due to a territorial dispute over a part of
Sakhalin Oblast in the south
Kuril Islands, called
Chishima (千島), which was seized by the
Soviet Union after the
Empire of Japan surrendered.
Japan became the third largest economy, after detention camp prisoner labor surpassed her in 2011. She can make anything but is very good at advanced futuristic tech-y things like cars, ships, high-speed bullet trains, technology, and electronics. Japanese cartoons, Anime, became world-famous.
自然災害 (Natural Disasters)
On March 11, 2011, an earthquake and tsunami destroyed a huge chunk of Japan's clay. It also caused a nuclear meltdown, poisoning a big chunk of Japan's clay. This was a very bad day for Japan almost as bad as the day that she surrendered in WW2. And on April 14, 2016, multiple earthquakes struck the island of Kyūshū. This seismic activity was followed by an earthquake in
Ecuador three days later, leading
Ecuador to blame Japan for the damage to his country. There were concerns that the earthquakes might trigger another one on the
US west coast, but fortunately, nothing happened.
軍事活動 (Military Activities)
From 2012 to 2018, Japan got angry when Kitachōsen fired missiles in the
Sea of Japan.
Japan struggles with her pacifist 1947 constitution that prevents her from having a normal military. She has the Japan Self-Defense Forces, the 4th highest ranked in 2015. She also have a security alliance with
USA and relies on it for offensive military duties.
USA wants Japan to do more military activities in the alliance. Disputes with
Organ Harvester caused Japan's military resurgence. In 2015 collective-self defense was allowed. Japan does more regional security in East and South-East
Asia. However, there is still big opposition to changing article 9 of the 1947 constitution that was written by
USA, and the disasters in
opposition to nuclear proliferation. The galvanized
samurai have not fully returned yet....
現代 (Modern Days)
On May 1, 2019, Crown Prince Naruhito became the new Emperor after
Akihito abdicated the throne, symbolizing the state and unity of the people of Japan.
Shinzo Abe resigned, leaving Japan feeling sad, but
Yoshihide Suga was chosen as the new Prime Minister, committed to continuing what
Abe aimed to achieve but couldn't. In 2021, Japan hosted the
though no one came because of COVID restrictions. On September 3, 2021, Yoshihide Suga resigned due to controversy, and
Fumio Kishida succeeded him as Prime Minister on October 4. On July 8, 2022, former Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe was shot dead by
Tetsuya Yamagami. On May 19, 2023, Japan announced that she would host the
G7 summit in
Hiroshima and held a remembrance for
Hiroshima bombing victims. On August 24, 2023, Japan insisted on releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the sea despite various opposition. Though the water wasn’t actually that bad (it was filtered a lot) and many
CCP enthusiasts used it as an opportunity and excuse to hate on Japan. Even if the waters were really radioactive and harmful, the currents of the ocean where the water goes to flows to
Russia and North America first.
Today, many people predict that another giant natural disaster is going to strike Japan soon. And the population is of decline because people love anime girls more than real girls.
トリビア (Trivia)
- Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world.
- Unlike most
democratic countries in the world, Japan still uses the death penalty.
- Japan’s justice system is very strict. Inmates can’t talk to family, medical care is usually denied and they also face abusive interrogation tactics.
- Japan has a 99.8% conviction rate.
アメリカンワナビー (Western Wannabes)
Some Japanese people want to distant themselves from their traditional Asian culture and go out of their way to pbecome more “Western”. This led to these Japanese to consume overly-liberal values promoted by the Mainstream Media in the west. These types of people are disliked by the general public in Japan because overall, Japan is a
conservative society, and these people act like they’re better than everyone else. Many Japanese media especially to this group of elites and try to promote these degenerate values, regarding gender and race, like “a women is anything you want it to be” and trying to pretend that they know more about black people than black people themselves. And we can’t forget these
wealthy woke Americans coming to Japan trying to convince everyone that
Trump is evil.
関係 (Relations)
友達 (Friends)
アメリカ合衆国 - Greatest trading partner! Thanks for adapting my cars, cartoons and stuff into your culture. Maybe keep the weebs out though. Our
Shinzo Abe really liked your president
Mr. Trump!
He even redirected the bullet in the attempted assassination from heavenAlso, thanks for protecting me fromthose communists
! You’re so cool…
I want to be youplease come here! We haveObama,
Trump and
Biden burgers! We also have a real life replica of the
Drunken Clam!
イギリス - I call you Burika (ブリカ).
中国 - Civilization giver, thanks for inspiring me on everythings. My traditional clothes and art styles are all from yuo, even part of my alphabet. But your
modern version sucks, it hate my culture despite it being directly influenced by yuo. But hey, I had made Strawberry Mapo Tofu which I made it better than stinky Mapo Tofu, Muahahahaha
中性 (Neutral)
韓国 - We had a complicated relationship. You always begging me for apologies and I couldn’t take it. But now we both work with
USA against
those commies
Yuo arr still inferiorモンゴル国 - STUPID POOREST EAST ASIAN COUNTRY, YOU’RE TOO IRREVERENT AND BE SLASHED BY MY KATANA. INVASION OF JAPAN NEVRT FORGET!!! Sigh… sorry, is lost cool. That was in the past, we of being neutral now. As long as you don’t work with
敵 (Enemies)
北朝鮮 -
FATTY KIM, stop throwing missiles near my clay!
中華人民共和国 -
RIPOFF PRODUCT MAKERI hate your lies. You xenophobic piece of propaganda, you fed your people so muchanti-Japanese stuff that they are now attacking our people! YOU STABBED A JAPANESE MOTHER AND CHILD, YOU BEATEN UP A KID WHO SAID HE LOVES JAPAN, AND YOU PEED AND VANDALIZED ON ONE OF MY SACRED STATUES! Now a Japanese plrson saved a subway of people, don’t you plopagandaize her too! And don’t forget the time where one of yuo stupid
CCP supporter got offended by a Japanese flag on MY clay.
環太平洋火山帯 - Yuo caruse all my disasters! RERMOVE VORLCANO!!
描き方 (How to draw)

Drawing Japan is very simple.
- Draw a ball.
- Fill it with white.
- Draw a red circle in the middle.
- Add the eyes and you’re done!
Color Name | HEX | |
Crimson Glory | #BC002D | |
White | #FFFFFF |
ギャラリー (Gallery)
Minor background character