
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

1ball (Asians or East Asians) is a “caveball” (or billiard ball) that represents prehistoric or indigenous flagless populations of Asian (outside of the Middle East and Indo-European Speaking areas), Na-Dene and Eskimo-Aleut tribes and peoples. He often wears a rice hat and has slanted eyes.

Ancient Dynastic Chinas, the Mongol Empire, Feudal Japans, Tribal Huns, Ancient Koreans, Ancient Vietnams, and other flagless East, South, and Southeast Asian dynasties of countryballs are often depicted as 1balls with the "1" replaced by their respective characters.

Asians are usually stereotyped to be smart at maths and have strict parents.


This list is WIP.











Meaning by Region

Even though this page is referring to East Asians, the word can mean different things and refer to different people in other places.

Anglophone Africa & Caribbean

In parts of anglophone Africa, especially East Africa and in parts of the Caribbean, the term "Asian" is more commonly associated with people of South Asian origin (AKA the “Indo” of Indo-Europeans), particularly Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans. In South Africa and Uganda the term "Asian" is also usually synonymous with the Indian race group. East Asians in South Africa, including Chinese were classified either as Coloureds or as honorary whites.

Arab States of the Persian Gulf

In the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, the term "Asian" generally refers to people of South Asian and Southeast Asian descent due to the large Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Filipino expatriate populations in these countries. However, there are instances where the term is used solely to refer to those of South Asian descent.


The Australian Census includes four regions of Asia in its official definition. Defined by the 2006–2011 Australian Census, three broad groups have the word Asian included in their name: Central and Southern Asian, South-East Asian and North-East Asian. West Asians are classified as North African and Middle Eastern.




  • Indo-Europeans - Some of you also rike tea. But in colonial era you treat us badly. South Asians are your fake descendants.
  • Native Americans - Who are you again? I might have met you in ancient times.
  • Africans - Sometimes are civilized traders (thank for giraffe), sometimes are savages.
  • Hungary - My descendent in denial.
  • Mongol Empire - Yuo are Asian and spread my influence, also made big empire. But yuo also kill many many fellow Asians for not surrendering to yuo. But yuo killed Europeans and Middle East people too so I guess it’s not a racial thing.
  • Empire of Japan - Almost same as above.
  • United States of America - REMOVE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT! Oh wait you did remove it so that’s good. But should’ve been sooner.


How to draw

A 1ball
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with yellow.
  3. Draw a white circle in the middle.
  4. Write “1” in the white circle.
  5. Draw slanted eyes and a rice hat and you’re done!
Color Name HEX
Any Yellow is Fine #FFF000
Black #000000



  1. Not necessarily considered as a religion, rather, a philosophy
