
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Finland, officially the Republic of Finland, is a country located in Northern Europe, in the Nordics. Finland is usually alcoholic, cold, and violent, which is why almost nobody likes to interact with him. Finland also sells Estonia. cheap alcohol. Another reason nobody likes Finland is that he never talks, preferring small talk and he seems unapproachable.

Despite all this, he won for being the happiest country in the world for multiple years.

In memes, he was viewed as an alcoholic and depressed countryball, but in reality, it’s the happiest country in the world.

Historia (History)

The current Finland began in 1919 when the Finnish Parliament adopted a republican form of government, electing Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg as the first President. In 1920, the Treaty of Tartu was signed with Soviet Russia, delineating the border between the two nations. Finland's international standing grew in the interwar period, joining the League of Nations in 1934 and signing a Treaty of Non-Aggression with the Soviet Union in 1932.

The outbreak of World War II saw Finland engaged in the Winter War (1939-1940) against the Soviet Union, though Finland completely destroyed and obliterated the invading Soviet forces (with good sniping skills and camouflage), in the end Finland still surrendered, resulting in the ceding of some territory under the Moscow Peace Treaty. This was followed by the Continuation War (1941-1944), where Finland aligned with Germany against the Soviet Union, ultimately leading to further territorial concessions in the Moscow Armistice. The Lapland War (1944-1945) saw Finland expelling German troops from his territory.

In the post-war period, Finland signed the Paris Peace Treaties in 1947, confirming his territorial losses and military limitations. The 1948 Agreement of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union epitomized Finland’s Cold War policy of Finlandization. Hosting the Summer Olympics in 1952, joining the United Nations and the Nordic Council in 1955, and signing an Association Agreement with the European Free Trade Association in 1961 marked significant steps in Finland's international integration. The 1975 Helsinki Accords, stemming from the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE), further solidified Finland’s diplomatic presence. The late 1980s saw President Mauno Koivisto initiating reforms in response to global geopolitical shifts.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led Finland to seek closer ties with Western Europe, applying for EU membership in 1992 and joining the NATO Partnership for Peace program in 1994. Finland became an EU member in 1995 and adopted the euro in 1999, with currency circulation starting in 2002. The election of Tarja Halonen as the first female President in 2000 marked a milestone in Finnish politics. Sauli Niinistö's presidency began in 2012, during a time when Finland faced challenges such as the 2015 European migrant crisis. Celebrating his centenary of independence in 2017, Finland continued to make significant strides on the global stage.

In 2019, Sanna Marin became the world’s youngest sitting prime minister at her time of sitting at the age of 34. The geopolitical landscape shifted further with Finland applying for NATO membership in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, achieving full membership in 2023. Russia was not too happy about this.


  • In Finland, the average person eats 4 gallons of ice cream a year.
  • Finland has black “tar ice cream”.

Suhteet (Relations)

Ystävät (Friends)

  • Viro - My best friend, I buy my vodka from her, always cheap! During World War II, her people fought with my forces. Also, she wants to be Nordic, but unfortunately Sweden refuses to let her in. Shame. Also we share the same anthem.
  • Tanska - I like to call him Stupid Sweden. Is a friend, exports lots of fun goodies like Lego and Arla, but I can't understand his talking noises. Also Norway, Sweden and me like to make fun of his bad hockey skills.
  • Indonesia - I come here during my Nordic Holidays for his beautiful beaches!
  • Thaimaa - I come here during my Nordic Holidays for his beautiful beaches and restaurants!

Viholliset (Enemies)

  • Neuvostoliitto - Freaking commie! I beat you up so hard in Winter War! How does it feel to have 505 men killed by the same sniper?

Miten Piirtää (How to draw)

Of course like all Nordic countries, the cross symbolises Christianity. Colour-wise, some people say the white stands for the winter, while the blue stands for the many lakes and blue skies in Finland.

Flag of Finland
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with white.
  3. Draw a Nordic cross on the ball.
  4. Add the eyes and you’re done!
Color Name HEX
Dark Midnight Blue #002F6C