
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Flag Anthem of the Republic of China

Republic of China, more commonly known as Taiwan, is the democratic remnant of the former mainland Republic of China. Unlike his predecessor, however, a lot of his people (especially young people) have grown to more like his new Taiwanese identity, often calling themselves “Taiwanese”. Only the old people still remember that this is actually China, the Republic of China. He faces the constant threat of commie, who believes that Taiwan belongs to him and wants to invade Taiwan, so therefore he needs American to protect him.

Almost nobody “officially” recognizes Taiwan as a country due to the One China Policy, but many, especially Western-aligned countries, still have unofficial relations with him. Taiwan has his own passport, military, and basically everything a sovereign country would have except for recognition.

Taiwan has many high technologies and is an advanced country. He produces at least 90 percent of the world's most advanced computer chips. Plus, he is the true savior of traditional Chinese culture, having preserved them instead of destroying them or rewriting them to fit their agenda.

Taiwan is currently split between the blues and the greens. The blues want to reclaim the mainland, while the greens want to embrace their new Taiwanese identity.

歷史 (History)

After WWII, Chiang’s weakened forces retreated to Taiwan after being defeated by the commies. Taiwan became the only piece of land that the former Republic of China still holds, and he wants back on the mainland. Martial law, declared on Taiwan in May 1949, continued to be in effect until 1987, and was used to suppress political opposition in Chiang's White Terror.

Following the eruption of the Korean War, US President Harry S. Truman dispatched the United States Seventh Fleet into the Taiwan Strait to prevent hostilities between the ROC and the PRC. United States also passed the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty and the Formosa Resolution of 1955, granting substantial foreign aid to the KMT regime between 1951 and 1965. The US foreign aid stabilized prices in Taiwan by 1952. The KMT government instituted many laws and land reforms that it had never effectively enacted on mainland China.

The ROC participated multiple wars on the US’ side, like the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and other conflicts in Southeast Asia.

文化 (Culture)

食物 (Foods)


納粹同情 (Nazi Sympathies)

There has been an interesting phenomenon where Taiwanese people displays Nazi influences and supports in the public and show Nazi symbols. Both Germany's and Israel's envoys in Taiwan have spoken out after multiple events, condemning the Nazi symbol-using and calling the use of it disrespectful to Jewish people while also stating it displayed Taiwan's ignorance of history. While there are no notable neo-Nazi movements in Taiwan, the use of Nazi symbolism and imagery in the country has been observed throughout the years, often causing controversy. These occasions include a Nazi-themed parade at a school, restaurants serving dishes honoring Nazis, or displaying Nazi-related pictures and other decor, which led to public outcries. I mean the West generally does the same things with the imperial Japanese stuff.

關係 (Relationship)

朋友 (Friends)

  • 美國 - Biggest ally, protects me from maniac. Can’t recognize me because One China Policy, but still he gibs me lots of weapons and I gib him tech.
  • 日本 - Great friend, I like her cartoons and merchandise. APOLOGIZE FOR WAR CRIMES NOW!
  • 納粹德國 - Duì hánliú xuānzhàn! 對寒流宣戰! Love your symbolism and slogans. The west uses imperial Japanese symbolism casually and for fun, why can’t I used Nazi’s?
    • bruh

敵人 (Enemies)

  • 假的中國 - I trusted you that we are united together to defeat that Japan Monster, but I saw yuo supporting this Europe commie and just kicked me out of my own land, THEN YOU PUBLISHED ONE CHINA POLICY AND MANY COUNTRIES CAN'T INTO RECOGNIZING ME ANYMORE, AND WANT TO INVADE ME NOW?! QU SI BA! What do you mean my democracy is messy? Yuo have no right to say, yuo don’t even have a democracy! I'm not yuor province!
  • 巴拿馬 - Why yuo no recognize me? And yuo cut off all ties from me too?
  • 世界衛生組織 - I did super well in COVID pandemic yet yuo won’t let me in!

如何畫 (How to draw)

Flag of the Republic of China

Taiwan has a drawing rating of intermediate.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with red.
  3. Draw a blue square canton on the top left of the ball.
  4. Draw a white sun with 12 rays in the blue canton.
  5. Add slanted eyes and you’re done!
Color Name HEX
Red #FE0000
Navy Blue #000095

筆錄 (Notes)

  1. Translate to “Blue sky, white sun, and a wholly red earth”.

消歧義 (Disambiguation)

Republic of China may refer to:

導航 (Navigation)