User talk:Heterodontosaurus

From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Hello Everyone[edit source]

Feel free to ask me anything!

Mika - Can I make template of user info, it’s only in user page.

Heterodontosaurus - Sure!

AndrewMapping - How do I add an image?

Heterodontosaurus - Like upload a file?

Andrew - Yeah.

Heterodontosaurus - You go to the “Wiki tools” section, under it there should be a link called “Upload file”. Click the link. Or, you can go to Special:Upload.

andrew - I see now.

Andrew - I have a question. How did you find the ball wiki?

Heterodontosaurus - From the qqq wiki

Andrew - How did you find it from there?

Heterodontosaurus - I was scrolling through posts, I saw you asking someone to join your wiki with a link

Andrew - What was the post?

Heterodontosaurus - I forgot, I can try to find it again tho

Andrew - Yo the Ball Wiki shut down

Heterodontosaurus - damn the Fandom overlords saw it

Andrew - It’s back:

Heterodontosaurus - that's good to hear. don't let the fandom staff find it this time

Andrew - Can you help make the countryball template? Move it to “Infobox country” to make it less obvious that it’s a Polandball wiki

Heterodontosaurus - sorry I do not understand. what does it mean to “move it to infobox country”?

Andrew - I meant like go to the character Infobox/template then move it to Template:Infobox country. Sorry i forgot to sign in

Heterodontosaurus - I still don’t understand, there’s no “Template:Infobox country” on your wiki

andrew - never mind, you can still help there! :D

Heterodontosaurus - 👍

andrew - I saw you edited Poland

Icons[edit source]

Mika - Should I use 100% same color from logo or flags to color in icon?

Heterodontosaurus - Yeah, try to do that. The exception is that if there’s lots of black, then use a slightly lighter tone of black.

Yo[edit source]

Andrew - If you want to help on the neo Topicalballs wiki, you can! 👍👍

Heterodontosaurus - ok 👌

Andrew - If you add pages, just don’t add ball at the end of the name there, if you add it it will make it obvious it’s a Polandball wiki. Just say “Omsk” or “Fourth Reich” (The Polandball wiki says Reichtangle represents a fourth Reich.

Andrew - Can you make a page on TNTB wiki?

Heterodontosaurus - o sure

Andrew - You seem to be helpful there on that wiki!

Andrew - Hello again!

Heterodontosaurus - hi

Andrew - good morning

Heterodontosaurus - good morning

Andrew - what is geographyballs? Just asking.

Heterodontosaurus - like geographical locations and features, like the “Italian Peninsula” and the “Atlantic Ocean”

Andrew - maybe make a page on it on tntb as an example

Heterodontosaurus - Maybe later, I still have to work on my wiki plus I have no art of them

Page Section[edit source]

Mika - Where do I put “Life in (Country)” heading in the country page?

Heterodontosaurus - Before the “Relations” section

Hi[edit source]

Mika - Hi, how are you today?

Heterodontosaurus - good, how bout you? Also, please remember to add a space between icon and text.

Mika - quite good

Mika - By the way, can I copy the paragraph to insert in The Neo Topicalball wiki?

Heterodontosaurus - go ahead!

Andrew - Huh?

Andrew - hi

Mika - How are you today again?

Jew Icon[edit source]

Andrew - Can you give me the Jew icon with the small star i need it (put it in your message right after your signature)

Heterodontosaurus -

Andrew - Ok, btw, I know why the old wiki got closed

Heterodontosaurus - Why?

Andrew - Because someone jinxed it.

Heterodontosaurus - what do you mean by “jinxed” it?

Andrew - I’ll tell you the full story. Someone named “97104Fan made a page called “Sigma Cult”, then HalfBacon (Mika) told me if we can keep the page or not because it’s unrelated to balls, so I deleted it and gave the guy who made it a strike, then, he said “You DARE insult the great squidward?” (I think), then he said he threatened to close the wiki, so I Un deleted it and said sorry, hen he forgave me and won’t lash if I keep the page, and he even gave me the advice to turn him into a countryball, but the day after, the wiki got closed, I should have blocked him. Anywho, I gave you content mod on the Tntb wiki.

Andrew - By the way, I gave you moderator on the TNTB wiki!

Heterodontosaurus - Damn. Thanks for mod tho!

Andrew - You're welcome!

Andrew - I gave you moderator because judging by your wiki, I realized you would be helpful!

Hey[edit source]

Andrew - Can you help with the Welcome Template? (On TNTB Wiki)

Heterodontosaurus - ok

Andrew - nevermind, i just decided to use your source, but can you help with the main pages tho

Hi again[edit source]

- Mika Hi, how are you today?

Heterodontosaurus - good what about you

- Mika - I’m good too

Singapore[edit source]

Andrew - can you help with this?

Portrait[edit source]

Mika - Did you create Japan’s portrait?

Heterodontosaurus - yes, I will create the Japan page when I get back to home (I’m not at home rn)

Mika - Can I create this page for you?

Mika - nvm, I can (sorry)

yo[edit source]

User:AndrewMapping - Can you add the predecessor icon and successor icon thingy to the country template on the Tntb wiki?

Heterodontosaurus - I’ll try

Heterodontosaurus - I tried pasting the code into the script but there is error. I think maybe Fandom works a bit differently

User:AndrewMapping - Oh okay.

User:AndrewMapping - can you help with the work in progress pages tho?

Heterodontosaurus - Sure. I helped writing Singapore a little bit.

User:AndrewMapping - Yeah i saw it, you edited the history section.

andrew - can you edit them now?

andrew - hi.

Heterodontosaurus - I’m pretty busy working on this website rn, I’ll help you with yours when I have some time

andrew - I realized something. That qqq wiki got more and more off-topic.

Heterodontosaurus - yeah there’s Thomas the Train and stuff

andrew - Yeah, there is like Cars stuff added by Artisticgenius5 (idk why he is so obsessed with cars but okay), then you added the You Are My Sunshine meme, and I added Kirby. then 97104fan decided to add the squidward meme.

Heterodontosaurus - send me a link to the QQQ wiki I wanna see

Andrew - here.

Andrew - Also, how did Mika add unnecessary codes?

Andrew - You there?

Mika - This is an error, idk how (I’m sorry for interrupting)

Andrew - What?

Mika - When I edit the infobox, unnecessary code has appeared

Heterodontosaurus - Mika are you visual editing or source editing?

Mika - Visual

Heterodontosaurus - maybe that’s the glitch. I recommend using source editing, it’s easier.

Andrew - Yeah, I use source editing for here too,

Personality[edit source]

Mika - Hi, can I personality heading in every articles?

Heterodontosaurus - wdym?

Heterodontosaurus - oh wait I know what you mean. Don’t add it for now, because the personality is usually described in the introduction. I have to go to sleep now and won’t be able to respond very soon.

Mika - k

tunisia[edit source]

andrew - can you help with the Tunisia page on my wiki? Here is the link by the way.

Heterodontosaurus - I’ll do it later

andrew - Oh, alright.

andrew - Also, can you give me the Asian eyes ball base?

Heterodontosaurus - I don’t actually have that

andrew - oh, okay.

andrew - Is the Khante of Mongolia page good now?

Heterodontosaurus - yeah

How does Australia dislike peppa pig?[edit source]

andrew - just a question.

Heterodontosaurus - Australia banned a peppa pig episode because it was saying that spiders are harmless.

andrew - Oh, okay.

Can I copy and paste from other sites for history?[edit source]

Mika - I just want to make History section in Australia better.

Heterodontosaurus - sure, but don’t remove anything entirely and make sure to link properly.

What’s archenemy[edit source]

Mika - What’s archenemy

Heterodontosaurus - really bad enemies, like USA and China, China and Taiwan, Russia and USA, Azerbaijan and Armenia, Greece and Turkey, etc.

Mika - How did u discover their relations?

Heterodontosaurus - I watch a lot of geopolitical content + Polandball wiki

speaking of that inactive country wiki[edit source]

Andrew - The admin hasn’t been active since 2018 or 2019.

Boss, I created Transylvania icon[edit source]

Thank you Mika - Heterodontosaurus

hey[edit source]

Andrew - Just a question. What is a module?

Heterodontosaurus - some important stuff that makes templates and certain functions work

Andrew - o ok

Andrew - here is the link to the abandoned country wiki by the way

Heterodontosaurus - ok

Andrew - yeah someone should make a new wiki. you can probably if you wanna

Heterodontosaurus - nah I’m working on this website, but since you can’t create wikis now, I can create a wiki for you and give you admin

Andrew - okay, but when you take breaks from working on this you can work on the wiki.

Andrew - can you make the wiki’s name The New Countriespedia wiki btw

Heterodontosaurus - ok. I’ll create it now and send the link. Here

Andrew - can you make me admin on there?

Heterodontosaurus - you gotta do something on there first so I can find your profile

Andrew - alright, I made an edit

Heterodontosaurus - done

Andrew - okay!

Environmental[edit source]


Meta Knight icon[edit source]

Andrew - Can you make me a Meta Knight (from Kirby) icon I need it, If you can’t make it, ask Mika if she can

Heterodontosaurus - I’ll see what I can do

Don’t worry[edit source]

Andrew - I deleted the Sigma Cult page, i blocked 97104. Edit: I protected the page creation so he can’t create it

Andrew - 97104 keeps making sockpuppet accounts to raid my wiki with the Sigma Cult.

Heterodontosaurus - damn, hope he doesn’t find out about this website

Andrew - Me neither. He raids Countryball-related fandoms by using his Sigma Cult. Thankfully, I blocked him and i’ll block his other sockpuppet accounts. Also i protected the main page

Heterodontosaurus - that’s good to hear. Also, I looked at his profile and his name is “David Lenner” and he is 14 years old

Andrew - Okay.

Andrew - by the way, if he makes any more sockpuppet let me know on my talk page and the wiki.

Just a short question[edit source]

Andrew - What made you decide to help me on the Chinese Communist Party page on the old wiki?

Heterodontosaurus - I hated how inaccurate it was

Andrew - How was it inaccurate?

Heterodontosaurus - just the overall portrayal

Andrew - Like what do you mean?

Heterodontosaurus - I said what I said

Andrew - okay

hey[edit source]

Andrew - what website/app do you use to draw icons?

Heterodontosaurus -

Andrew - Okay, btw can you help me with some of the Empire of Japan Puppet Icons when I try to go to change the color it doesn’t work.

Heterodontosaurus - ok.

Andrew - Yo, I wonder why Mika is inactive she hasn’t been editing since like August 3rd.

Yo[edit source]

Andrew - I remembered a forgotten user of the old TNTB wiki

Heterodontosaurus - who is it

Andrew -152we234

Yeah they did edit on the wiki, I asked them to join the old wiki and he said ok, but back then he only like voted on polls, but then he made an edit on the page you helped with (he replaced the communism with socialism)

yo[edit source]

Andrew - I have a plan to raid David’s wiki.

Heterodontosaurus - do it

Andrew - How about we vandalize the wiki and make it into a Polandball wiki. I’ll wait 6 days because you get unblocked by when.

Heterodontosaurus - 6 days is too long you should do it first with an alt account

Andrew - I have an alt, but I don’t wanna use it

Heterodontosaurus - I about I require a VPN and do it today

Andrew - Good idea 👍

Heterodontosaurus - I got the VPN

Andrew - Alright. Make sure to add countryball pages and add the word “Ball” to make it more obvious it’s a countryball wiki

Andrew - oh and maybe add images of the rules of the countryballs like Polandball being upside down.

You there?

Heterodontosaurus - yeah let’s do this

Can you do it first please

ok, I will be using an alt account

ok. I will contribute just dont vandalize userpages.

Andrew - I saw you added Polandball.

Yo, wanna know something I just questioned


How can 97104Fan rewrite the same thing over and over, like how can he write “O Squidward, Revered sage to the Sigma Cult, bla bla bla”, and remember all of that?

He probably copy and pastes

Ok, do you think he write that tho?

Help me for China’s history section in tntb wiki[edit source]

Tell me pls, I know you just studied Chinese History.


Hey[edit source]

I saw you helped writing PR China's history a bit 👍 - Andrew

y’all, please add your name at the end of your message - Heterodontosaurus 18:59, 16 August 2024 (UTC)

Oh okay. - Andrew. Also what’s the WL template for?

This is a test AndrewMapping (talk) 20:18, 16 August 2024 (UTC)

I think we all have signature[edit source]

Mika (talk) 16:08, 17 August 2024 (UTC) Yes

Nice Heterodontosaurus 17:43, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

The qqq wiki needs moderation, do you agree? Like someone made pages for Cars characters, when the wiki is supposed to be a Fandom Polandball Wiki AndrewMapping (talk) 20:47, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

the wiki is abandoned, no need to maintain it Heterodontosaurus 20:51, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

How is it abandoned? AndrewMapping (talk) 21:46, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

The owner abandoned it. Also nobody is active there, you should focus on your own wiki - Heterodontosaurus 22:33, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

Yo[edit source]

The qqq wiki shut down - AndrewMapping (talk) 17:11, 18 August 2024 (UTC)

Bro, heterodontosaurusus…[edit source]

97104Fan threatened me to unblock me on the country wiki, or I will face destruction. What should I do? AndrewMapping (talk) 19:48, 18 August 2024 (UTC)

Again? idk… maybe you should unblock him so he doesnt do anything that could shut down your wiki, but keep an eye on him so he can’t mischief Heterodontosaurus 19:52, 18 August 2024 (UTC)

But I know he will vandalize again AndrewMapping (talk) 20:02, 18 August 2024 (UTC)

Advice: Tell him that he should make pages that is related to the topic of wiki (ex:Sigma Cultism is supposed to be related in meme or sigma wiki)

I know he might say no, so I made you admin so that you can block him if he does

Hi[edit source]

Hello! - AndrewMapping (talk) 15:34, 20 August 2024 (UTC)

Hi AndrewMapping (talk) 18:26, 20 August 2024 (UTC)

What do you need Heterodontosaurus 18:33, 20 August 2024 (UTC)

oh nothing, just saying hi - AndrewMapping (talk) 18:35, 20 August 2024 (UTC)

yo[edit source]

Have you noticed Fandom has been glitching out lately? - AndrewMapping (talk) 19:26, 21 August 2024 (UTC)

like what? - Heterodontosaurus 20:54, 21 August 2024 (UTC)

when I click on a wikitubia page it just shows big icons. AndrewMapping (talk) 21:57, 21 August 2024 (UTC)

Yo, 97104fan called the Main page’s code messy, so I had to block him again. AndrewMapping (talk) 22:44, 21 August 2024 (UTC)

He might get mad and report your wiki Heterodontosaurus 23:35, 21 August 2024 (UTC)

Why though AndrewMapping (talk) 23:46, 21 August 2024 (UTC)

Can I upload your Countryball cards?[edit source]

Can I upload your Countryball cards? - Mika (talk) 21:59, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

what? how did you find them? - Heterodontosaurus 22:38, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

From your deviant art page I think - AndrewMapping (talk) 22:53, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

these cards are outdated, don’t upload them - Heterodontosaurus 23:20, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

oh ok - AndrewMapping (talk) 23:23, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

Tell me a word for China’s government in tntb wiki[edit source]

Its not in ur head, its something truthful

??? - Heterodontosaurus 15:29, 23 August 2024 (UTC)

Like the government label in country infobox

hey[edit source]

Can you help with the pages Mika made earlier today, they are mostly just the countries names bolded - AndrewMapping (talk) 18:36, 23 August 2024 (UTC)

Hello, can you make an Infobox for Chromeballs on The Country Wiki?

- AndrewMapping (talk) 16:37, 24 August 2024 (UTC)

yo[edit source]

You forgot to replace Polish Underground State with Uruguay in the “Don’t make any new articles until these pages are decent enough” section in the main page - AndrewMapping (talk) 17:20, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

Hetero[edit source]

I have 500 edits - Mika (talk) 01:05, 26 August 2024 (UTC)

Nice - Heterodontosaurus 01:08, 26 August 2024 (UTC)

hi[edit source]

Hi :) by the way my wiki got crashed (kinda). When I try to go in that wiki it just says “Header overflow” AndrewMapping (talk) 11:36, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

It’s working fine for me - Heterodontosaurus 16:12, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Maybe it’s a bug for me AndrewMapping (talk) 17:00, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Anyway, I’m just gonna work on Countrypedia made by another friend for now - AndrewMapping (talk) 17:10, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Can you send the link, I want to check it out - Heterodontosaurus 17:13, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Here - AndrewMapping (talk) 17:14, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

I think it’s better than 'The Countries Wiki' because it has active administrators to block vandalisers. AndrewMapping (talk) 17:29, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

hey, heterodontosaurus AndrewMapping (talk) 15:45, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

yeah what Heterodontosaurus 15:45, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

97104Fan told me I’ll face destruction.. again. AndrewMapping (talk) 15:46, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Damn. What do you plan on to do about it? Heterodontosaurus 15:48, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Maybe make HIM face the destruction first, by vandalizing the Sigma Cult Wiki AndrewMapping (talk) 15:49, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Ok Heterodontosaurus 15:52, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

is it a good idea, or not? also maybe we can make a team called the “Anti Sigma Cultism” AndrewMapping (talk) 15:53, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

by the way I heard from the Murder Drones Wiki that 97104 threatened someone to die

Well that’s no good Heterodontosaurus 16:47, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

anyway wanna do our plan? AndrewMapping (talk) 17:09, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Ok Heterodontosaurus 17:10, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Btw the plan is we can vandalize the Sigma Cult Wiki so that we can make him face destruction before he can, let’s do it AndrewMapping (talk) 17:24, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Help[edit source]

Can u fix the mistakes in German Third Reich’s History section on tntb wiki.

It looks fine to me Heterodontosaurus 18:42, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

yea it looks kinda accurate AndrewMapping (talk) 22:34, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

should I make 97104 face destruction? - AndrewMapping (talk) 11:39, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

hey, I have a question. AndrewMapping (talk) 15:32, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

Just say it Heterodontosaurus 15:35, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

just a question, who is all of the Fandom Staff you know? AndrewMapping (talk) 15:36, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

None Heterodontosaurus 15:58, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

oh okay AndrewMapping (talk) 16:32, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

I started to make 97104 face destruction AndrewMapping (talk) 20:09, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

Damn… I hate spam bots… especially 97104Fan… AndrewMapping (talk) 09:33, 5 September 2024 (UTC)

There are about 1,000 spam bots left to block - Mika (talk) 16:02, 5 September 2024 (UTC)

Don’t worry, if we 3 can team up and do it, we can save the wiki! - AndrewMapping (talk) 22:10, 5 September 2024 (UTC)

Is this icon File:Marxism-icon.png accepted?[edit source]

Yes or no - Mika (talk) 17:45, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

No, I specifically changed Marxism to a cube because Marx is a Jew. Heterodontosaurus 22:34, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

Please, man![edit source]

Andrew: Please, just please complete your art for the Communism page, once ur done, undelete the page, pls.

Look, read this first: My wiki:About. With you being a communist I don’t think things are gonna work out well here, you should just stay on your own wiki. Heterodontosaurus 22:33, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

Andrew: I'm not even marxist bruh

You are socialist, which is communist to an extent. I have some things planned for the Communism, Marxism and Socialism pages, and I don’t think you’ll like them very much. Heterodontosaurus 15:16, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

bad news :([edit source]

The Fandom Staff globally blocked me on fandom :( AndrewMapping (talk) 21:52, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

Why? Heterodontosaurus 22:34, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

Maybe 97104 reported me or something. He did say I will face destruction so yeah. AndrewMapping (talk) 23:44, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

Did the fandom staff give you a reason for the block? Your wiki is still up. Heterodontosaurus 23:53, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

idk. I just checked on the community central and it did say I got gblocked. Maybe 97104 told one of the fandom staff to block me but idk. So yeah im gonna focus on your wiki (if you ever say to focus on my wiki). AndrewMapping (talk) 23:57, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

You can use an alt account with a different name Heterodontosaurus 00:01, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

no thanks, they can see it, maybe my ip got blocked too AndrewMapping (talk) 00:04, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

Try to edit a page and save it, it should tell you the reason you’re blocked Heterodontosaurus 00:11, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

I’m to nervous to do that, sorry. AndrewMapping (talk) 00:15, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

Why? There’s no consequences. Nobody will even know you tried. It’s not something morally wrong either. Heterodontosaurus 05:38, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

Cuz idk. Also, I have a theory about 97104Fan. He was probably hacked AndrewMapping (talk) 14:56, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

Go on… Heterodontosaurus 15:21, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

Like back then, 97104Fan made some ball-related pages on the old version of my wiki, and he was nice on the Doors Wiki. Then, he decided to start raiding ball-related wikis. And he still does that. AndrewMapping (talk) 15:32, 7 September 2024 (UTC)

Also, who is Xeno?

The Romania page needs to be redone![edit source]

Andrew: Why the hell are people making us romanians vampires? This stereotype is false! IT'S BS! This stereotype is rascist! We romanians don't deserve this stereotype. Please, stop all this rascism! Redo the artwork and page at once! Don't spread the stereotype!


Look I tried to add a bunch of cool and nationalist stuff to balance out the stereotype. The stereotype isn’t even harmful it’s just a common Polandball joke