
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Weed and drugs are very bad for you. Do not consume or use them.

Jamaica is a country in the Caribbean Sea locate in the south of Cuba and west of Haiti. Despite marijuana being illegal in Jamaica, it is commonly sold and decriminalized in most cities. Even though cricket is Jamaica’s most popular sport and the lack of snow, Jamaica still enjoys bobsledding. Even though it can often be laid back, crime is pretty common. The country is below the “do not travel” alert. Homicide rate in Jamaica is the highest in the world, ranking either #1 or #2 year after year. The people of Jamaica say that nowhere is always safe, others insist that it is safe. The police force and community have clashes often.

Due to the lack of governmental care, robbery, murder, drugs and prostitution is rampant in Jamaica, making it pretty dangerous to live in. Homosex (and all other LGBT) is also illegal in Jamaica, you can get pepper sprayed, beaten up or get jail time if you get caught.

Jamaica is also stereotyped for being always on weed and other drugs, so that's why he has pink eyes. Jamaica is also the only countryball not to have blue, red, or white on his flag.

Note that Jamaica actually hates druggies, but in memes he is actually shown as one due to the amount of drug users there. It is a similar situation with Somalia being a pirate.

History[edit | edit source]

The 20th century saw a growing sense of Jamaican nationalism. Leaders like Marcus Garvey, who advocated for black empowerment and pan-Africanism, played a crucial role in fostering a sense of identity and pride among Jamaicans. On 6 August 1962, Jamaica gained independence from the British Empire by convincing him that he is responsible enough. The day was marked by grand ceremonies, including the lowering of the British Union Jack and the hoisting of the Jamaican flag. Sir Kenneth Blackburne was sworn in as the first Governor-General, and Alexander Bustamante became the first Prime Minister of independent Jamaica.

During those times Jamaica had little to no crime until the 1980 elections came. There were shootings between groups of supporters of two different parties, seriously injuring or killing them. A lot of violent incidents began to pop up. Today, Jamaica is the second poorest in the Caribbean Sea but is fifth for where you can start a business.

Relations[edit | edit source]

Friends[edit | edit source]

  • Cuba - Cigar and weed buddy! Many of their immigrants come for medical and educational purposes. But Fidel Castro sucks.
  • Netherlands - Best European ganja buddy!
  • Haiti - I feel bad for him, he could have been exactly like me if it weren't for those earthquakes. But why do you dislike weed, mon?
  • United States - Mi brother who give mi baseball.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • LGBTQ+ - No, no, no, mon. Why are there so many of you in my clay! Do not come to me if you do not wish to get killed.
  • Afghanistan - Yuo are a freaking terrorist who likes to removing drugs and weeds! I thought you liked secretly farming drug fields, and a lot of my drugs come from yuo, but satellite imagery show you been removing them!

How to draw[edit | edit source]

Flag of Jamaica
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. A yellow X across the ball. Your ball should now be divided into four sections.
  3. Fill the top and bottom sections with green.
  4. Fill the right and left sections with black.
  5. Add the eye and done.
Color Name HEX
Golden Yellow #FFB81C
Bangladesh Green #007749
Black #000000