New pages
From Heterodontosaurus Balls
- 23:29, 1 February 2025 (List) of Icons/Political Parties (hist | edit) [851 bytes] Carbon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "List of political party icons. This list is a WIP == Western Europe == *{{i|SPD}} Social Democratic Party of Germany (Germany) == Eastern Europe == == Middle East == == Asia == == Africa == == Americas == Category:Lists {{DEFAULTSORT:List of Icons/Political Parties}}")
- 18:15, 24 January 2025 (List) of Icons/Countries (hist | edit) [15,711 bytes] Carbon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is the list of countries/historical entities, with their dates of existence. This list is also a WIP == Real Countries == === Prehistoric (Before 3200 BC) === *{{I|Sumer}} Sumer (c. 5500-1800 BC) === Ancient (3200 BC-476) === *File:AncEgypt-icon.png Ancient Egypt (c. 3150 BC–332/30 BC) *File:Chiyou-icon.png Nine Li (28?? BC-27?? BC) *File:Noah-icon.png Noah's Great Flood (2459 BC) *File:Shun-icon.png Emperor Shun's reign in...")
- 00:37, 13 January 2025 (List) of Icons/Philosophies (hist | edit) [5,219 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is list of philosophy icons, sorted alphabetically. == Canon Philosophies == *File:Altruism-icon.png Altruism *File:Animal Ethics-icon.png Animal Ethics *File:Buddhism-icon.png Buddhism *File:Calvinism-icon.png Calvinism *File:Catholicism-icon.png Catholicism *File:CaseOh-icon.png CaseOh Diet *File:Christianity-icon.png Christianity *File:Confucianism-icon.png Confucianism *[[File:Creationism-icon.png]...")
- 03:30, 19 December 2024 Shang Dynasty (hist | edit) [18,252 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{UnderCon}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Shang}} Shang {{i|Shang}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|ChineseL-icon.png|Chinese Language}}: 商朝 |founded = 1766 BC |predicon = Xia |onlypredecessor = Xia Dynasty |ended = 1122 |nexticon = Zhou |onlysuccessor = Zhou Dynasty |image = Shang Dynasty.png |Caption = |Alias = |Time of Exist = c. 1776 BC - c. 1122 BC (Traditional Dating) |Government = |Languages = {{i|Old Chinese}} Old Chinese |Affiliation = |Religions = {{i|Chinese}}...")
- 22:23, 17 December 2024 User:Mika/Chinese Language (hist | edit) [798 bytes] Mika (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CountryInfo |Name = Chinese language |NativeName = 汉语 |founded = |predicon = |onlypredecessor = |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = |Caption = |Alias = The hardest language in the world |Time of Exist = |Government = |Languages = |Affiliation = China<br>Taiwan<br>Hong Kong<br>Macau<br>Malaysia<br>Singapore |Religions = |Friends = |Enemies = {{I|JapaneseL}} Hanzi stealer |Likes = radicals |Dislikes = Hanzi being written...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched originally created as "Chinese Language"
- 19:05, 15 December 2024 Mongol Empire (hist | edit) [7,911 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{UnderCon}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|MongolEmp}} Great Mongol Nation {{i|Khan}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|MongolianL-icon.png|Middle Mongol}}: ᠶᠡᠬᠡ ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ/Yeke Mongɣol Ulus |founded = 1206 |predicon = PH |onlypredecessor = Khamag Mongol |ended = 1271 |nexticon = Yuan |onlysuccessor = Yuan Dynasty |image = Mongol Empire.png |Caption = |Alias = The Mongol Horde |Time of Exist = 1206 - 1271 |Government = |Languages = {{i|MongolianL}} Middl...")
- 00:37, 14 December 2024 Ohio (hist | edit) [5,563 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Ohio}} Ohio {{i|Ohio}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|EnglishL-icon.png|English Language}}: Ohio |founded = 1803 |predicon = USAsquare |onlypredecessor = Northwest Territory |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Ohio.png |Caption = RAWR RAWR RAWR <s>only in Ohio 😭🙏</s> |Alias = |Time of Exist = 1 March 1803 - Present |Government = |Languages = *{{i|EnglishL}} English (majority) *{{i|SpanishL}} Spanish L...")
- 16:25, 12 December 2024 Jan Mayen (hist | edit) [4,301 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Jan Mayen}} Jan Mayen {{i|Jan Mayen}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|NorwegianL-icon.png|Norwegian Language}}: Jan Mayen |founded = ? |predicon = Earth |onlypredecessor = Earth |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Jan Mayen.png |Caption = THE GREAT EMPIRE OF THE NORTH |Alias = {{Alias|UK-icon.png|United Kingdom|Island X}} |Time of Exist = |Government = {{i|PH}} None |Languages = |Affiliation = {{i|Norway}} Norway |Religions =...")
- 20:23, 8 December 2024 Omsk Oblast (hist | edit) [5,086 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|OmskOblast}} Omsk Oblast {{i|OmskOblast}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|RussianL-icon.png|Russian Language}}: Омская область |founded = 1934 |predicon = USSR |onlypredecessor = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Omsk Oblast.png |Caption = Remove Omskbird! |Alias = |Time of Exist = 7 December 1934 - Present |Government = |Languages = {{i|RussianL}} Russian |Af...")
- 02:45, 6 December 2024 Palau (hist | edit) [4,760 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Palau}} Republic of Palau {{i|Palau}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|PalauanL-icon.png|Palauan Language}}: Beluu er a Belau |founded = |predicon = |onlypredecessor = |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Palau.png |Caption = |Alias = |Time of Exist = |Government = |Languages = {{i|PalauanL}} Palauan |Affiliation = |Religions = |Friends = |Enemies = |Likes = |Dislikes = |Preceded = |Succeeded = |themec...")
- 01:55, 5 December 2024 (List) of Icons/Ideologies (hist | edit) [20,996 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "YES")
- 21:28, 2 December 2024 (List) of Users (hist | edit) [629 bytes] AndrewMapping (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Users who have registered in this website. *{{i|heterodontosaurus}} Heterodontosaurus **Carbon **TestAccount *{{i|mika}} Mika *{{i|Andrew}} [user:[AndrewMapping|AndrewMapping]]")
- 03:22, 2 December 2024 Belize (hist | edit) [5,965 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Belize}} Belize {{i|Belize}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|Belizean Creole-icon.png|Belizean Creole}}: Bileez |founded = 1981 |predicon = British Honduras |onlypredecessor = British Honduras |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Belize.png |Caption = |Alias = |Time of Exist = 21 September 1981 - Present |Government = {{i|Centralism}}{{i|Parliament}}{{i|ConMon}} Unitary Parliamentary Constituti...")
- 00:35, 1 December 2024 Timor-Leste (hist | edit) [3,932 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste |NativeName = {{ILSize|PortugueseL-icon.png|Portuguese Language}}: República Democrática de Timor-Leste |founded = 2002 |predicon = UN |onlypredecessor = United Nations Administered East Timor |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = TimorLeste.png |Caption = |Alias = East Timor<br>East East |Time of Exist = 20 May 2002 - Present |Government = {{i|Centralism}}{{i|SemiPres}}{{i|Republicanism}} ...")
- 07:19, 29 November 2024 Indonesia (hist | edit) [5,729 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Indonesia}} Republic of Indonesia {{i|Indonesia}} |NativeName = {{ILSize|IndonesianL-icon.png|Indonesian Language}}: Republik Indonesia |founded = 1950 |predicon = Indonesia |onlypredecessor = United States of Indonesia |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Indonesia.png |Caption = |Alias = |Time of Exist = 17 August 1950 - Present |Government = |Languages = {{i|IndonesianL}} Indonesian |Affiliation =...")
- 21:16, 24 November 2024 Mars (hist | edit) [4,182 bytes] AndrewMapping (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CountryInfo|Name=Mars|Image=Mars.png}}") Tag: Visual edit
- 23:02, 23 November 2024 Singapore (hist | edit) [5,796 bytes] AndrewMapping (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CountryInfo |name = {{i|Singapore}} Republic of Singapore {{i|Singapore |NativeName = |image = Singapore.png }}")
- 06:11, 22 November 2024 Taiwan (hist | edit) [10,830 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = File:Taiwan-icon.png Republic of China File:Taiwan-icon.png |NativeName = {{ILSize|ChineseL-icon.png|Chinese Language}}: 中華民國 |founded = 1949 |predicon = ROC |onlypredecessor = Republic of China |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Taiwan.png |Caption = |Alias = |Time of Exist = 1 January 1912 - Present (Republic of China)<br>1 October 1949 - Present (Taiwan) |Government = |Languages = *{{I|ChineseL}} Chinese...")
- 23:57, 19 November 2024 Cambodia (hist | edit) [9,543 bytes] AndrewMapping (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CountryInfo |Name = {{i|Cambodia}} Kingdom of Cambodia {{i|Cambodia}} |NativeName = ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា |image = Cambodia.png }}")
- 03:03, 18 November 2024 Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hist | edit) [6,910 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = File:Vietnam-icon.png Socialist Republic of Vietnam File:Vietnam-icon.png |NativeName = {{ILSize|VietnameseL-icon.png|Vietnamese Language}}: Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam |founded = 1976 |predicon = North Vietnam |onlypredecessor = North Vietnam |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = SR Vietnam.png |Caption = NOBODY CAN DEFEAT ME! |Alias = SRV |Time of Exist = 2 July 1976 - Present |Government = |Languages...")
- 13:06, 17 November 2024 South Korea (hist | edit) [8,052 bytes] Mika (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''South Korea''' is a country in East Asia. It hates Japanese Navy flag and treats as Nazi flag. It’s known for making K Pop and Samsung.") Tag: Visual edit
- 01:44, 15 November 2024 Pakistan (hist | edit) [10,558 bytes] Heterodontosaurus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}}{{CountryInfo |Name = File:Pakistan-icon.png Islamic Republic of Pakistan File:Pakistan-icon.png |NativeName = {{ILSize|Urdu-icon.png|Urdu Language}}: اسلامی جمہوریہ پاكستان |founded = 1956 |predicon = Pakistan |onlypredecessor = Dominion of Pakistan |ended = |nexticon = |onlysuccessor = |image = Pakistan.png |Caption = |Alias = |Time of Exist = 23 March 1956 - Present |Government = File:Federalism-icon.pngFile:Parliament-ico...")