From Heterodontosaurus Balls
Turkmenistan is a country located in Central Asia, under a Dictatorship. Turkmenıstan ıs known for havıng the most detaıled and overly-complıcated flag ever; he also can ınto 🍈 melon. The countryball also hıdes his COVID-19 cases, whıch may trıck some ınto thınkıng that he have the safest clay for the pandemıc.
How to Draw
Turkmenistan has a drawing rating of painstaking.
- Draw a ball.
- Fill it with green
- Draw the white Islamic symbol but has five stars in the top middle.
- Draw a vertical red stripe and insert it on the left side of the ball
- Add five symbols that look like carpet patterns, in red, yellow, green and white onto the red stripe, order them vertically
- Add two golden olive branches with their ends intertwined on the bottom of the red stripe
- Draw eyes and you’re done.