German Language Union

From Heterodontosaurus Balls

We are German. And as such, we are always self-conscious about getting angry in public.
fern, Why German Sounds So Agressive

The German Language Union is a hypothetical union/alliance/organization between all countries with German as their official language.

The main countries of this union would be Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland as they all have German as an official language. Maybe this union could include Belgium and Luxembourg, because they also have German as an official language, but have their own languages as well.

The German Language[edit | edit source]

German, a West Germanic language, is primarily spoken in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Belgium. It is known for its complex grammar, including a strong system of inflection, four noun cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative), and three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter). German vocabulary includes many compound words and a rich array of dialects varying by region. Its alphabet uses the Latin script with the addition of the character "ß" (Eszett or sharp S) and umlauted vowels (ä, ö, ü). German is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union and has significant cultural and historical importance, influencing many fields such as philosophy, literature, science, and music.

German sounds very aggressive to most people, due to the language's spellings, accents, and Hitler's influence from his speeches.

The first recordings of Germanic languages comes from the 1st century BC, from the Roman Empire's interaction with the Germanic peoples.

How to draw[edit | edit source]

Combined Flag of Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Divide the ball into three horizontal stripes.
  3. Divide each horizontal stripe into two separate stripes (divide vertically)
  4. From top to bottom, fill the three stripes on the left with black, red, yellow
  5. From top to bottom, fill the three stripes on the right with a lighter red, white, light red
  6. In red, draw a circle in between the two sides
  7. Border the circle with white
  8. Draw a white cross in the middle
  9. Add the eyes and you’re Done!
Color Name HEX
German Black #000000
German Red #FF0000
German Yellow #FFCC00
Austrian Red #EF3340
Swiss Red #FF0000

See Also[edit | edit source]