Islamic Theocracy

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This article is about the ideology. For the religion itself, see Islam.

Islamic Theocracy, or Muslim Theocracy, also known as Islamism, is a culturally right, authoritarian and economically variable ideology. Political aspects of Islam are derived from the Qur'an, the Sunnah (the sayings and living habits of Muhammad), Muslim history, and elements of political movements in the Islamic world.


Three Caliphates

The first Islamic Theocracy is commonly thought to be the Rashidun Caliphate. It was founded in 632 after the death of Muhammad. But, before the Rashiduns, there was the Medina Islamic Government which was ruled by Muhammad. During the leadership of Muhammad, the Medina Islamic Government conquered much of pre-Islamic Arabia. After Muhammad died in 632, Abu Bakr became the first Rashidun Caliph. The Rashidun Caliphate would expand in pretty much all directions, spreading the Islamic religion far and wide. After the collapse of the Rashidun Caliphate in 661, the Umayyad Caliphate was created. The Umayyads are mostly remembered for conquering Iberia with the helps of the Berbers and Moors. After the Umayyads, Islam split into multiple Caliphates. The main one was the Abbasid Caliphate, which was eventually conquered by the Mongols in 1258, but came back into existence in 1261. The Abbasids were also the Caliphate that existed during the Crusades. The Abbasids lost their last lands in 1517, after which the title of 'Caliphate' was passed to the Ottoman Empire.

Iberia and Reconquista

Alongside the Abbasid Caliphate, there were a few split-off caliphates as well. Most notably was the Caliphate of Córdoba which existed in Muslim Iberia for a few hundred years, starting in 756. This caliphate eventually collapsed into multiple smaller Islamic states in 1031. This weakened the Islamic presence in Iberia and led way for the Catholics to crusade south and forcefully destroy the Islamic presence in the region, retake Iberia and reestablish Catholic authority in what is known as the "Reconquista".

Ottoman Caliphate

In the period after the fall of the Abbasids, the 'Caliphate' was given to the Ottoman Empire. From 1517 to 1924, the Ottoman Empire was also referred to as the 'Ottoman Caliphate' (though some people suggest they are different entities for some reason). The Ottomans were considered the head of Islam for centuries, especially after the Persian Empire fell into dissary, leaving the Shia version of Islam without an effective leader. The Ottomans went on a long period of decline however, officially collapsing in 1922 in the aftermath of their defeat in World War I. The Ottoman Caliphate would be officially dissolved two years later, with the title of 'Caliphate' now going to, well, nobody.

Middle East Cold War

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, most of Arabia was conquered by al-Saud, the ruling family of Nejd. The went about conquering Shammar, a pro-Ottoman clan in the north, and Hejaz, a pro-British kingdom in the west. After these conquests, they established the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd, which was recognized by the League of Nations as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a few years later. Meanwhile, Persia was still collapsing. In 1925, the Sublime State of Persia was dissolved and the Imperial State of Persia was founded. In 1979, Persia collapsed due to the Iranian Revolution. In his place, the Islamic Republic of Iran was formed. Iran and Saudi Arabia became natural enemies as Iran represented Republicanism and Shia Theocracy, whilst Saudi Arabia represented Monarchism and Sunni Theocracy. This resulted in a cold war in the Middle East between the two over who was the rightful leader of the Islamic world.




  • Neoconservatism - Ah NATO, my good old friend, but you also work with this pig.
  • Satirism - MEMRI TV despite being run by Israel, Halal memes and r/arabfunny made me laugh. On the other hand, Charlie Hebdo, Scandinavia and the World and some South Park episodes (like 200 and 201) offended me due to their blasphemy.
  • Reactionaryism - Great, I would love to go back to Medieval times. But why hate technology and science? Also my medieval era was my golden era.
    • Whom said I hate them? I only dislike most modern ones because they are infiltrated by degenerates.
  • Jewish Theocracy - Our theology is very similar and we somewhat protected you during medieval times, but WHY DID SO MANY OF YOU BECOME LIKE HIM
  • Ba'athism - You are secular, and you tolerate Kuffars, at least Saddam eventually became me after he started fighting him.


  • Zionism - YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THE CONFLICTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND YOUR ACTIONS TOWARDS THE FAITHFUL ARE COMPARABLE TO HIM, BY ALLAH ISRAEL WILL CEASED FROM THE MAP!!! some Muslim countries recognize you and have positive relations with you, but they still support Palestine
  • LGBTQ+ - Let’s check what the Quran says. Well… off to execution you go!

How to draw

Flag with Islamic symbolism

Fun fact: the star and crescent did not originate from Islam.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with green.
  3. On the middle of the ball, draw a crescent moon facing right and a star in between the thin ends of the moon in yellow.
  4. Add the eyes and you are done!
Color Name HEX
Green #296609
Yellow #FDC82F