Bosnia and Herzegovina

From Heterodontosaurus Balls

People Never Remember The 100 Times You Helped Them, They Only Remember The One Time You Didn't.
Bosnian Quote

Bosnia and Herzegovina, sometimes known as Bosnia-Herzegovina and informally as Bosnia, is a country in Southeast Europe, situated on the Balkan Peninsula. He is known for having many mines, there are still around 79,000 mines and explosive remnants of war (unexploded ordnance, cluster munitions) remaining in the ground throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia only has 20 kilometres (12.4 mi) of coastline, the rest is taken by Croatia.

The official writing scripts of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Latin and Cyrillic.

Istorija (History)[edit | edit source]

In 1995 November 21, the Dayton Agreement is signed, ending the Bosnian War. December 14 marks the day of formal signing of the Dayton Agreement in Paris. Bosnia and Herzegovina is recognized as a single state consisting of two entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska.

In 1996 March, NATO-led Implementation Force (IFOR) begins operations to oversee the military aspects of the peace agreement. And in September, the first post-war elections are held under the supervision of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). In December 20 of the same year, the Stabilization Force (SFOR) replaces the Implementation Force, continuing NATO’s peacekeeping mission.

In December 1997, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is given more powers to implement the Dayton Agreement. June 1998 saw the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) intensifies efforts to prosecute war crimes.

2000 November’s general elections see moderate parties gain ground against nationalist parties. March 2001 is when the arrest of Slobodan Milošević, former president of Serbia, who played a significant role in the Bosnian conflict. Bosnia is rejoiced.

In 2003 November, Bosnia and Herzegovina joins the Council of Europe. And in December: Bosnia and Herzegovina formally applies for membership in the European Union. And on December 2, NATO concludes his SFOR mission and the European Union establishes EUFOR Althea to continue peacekeeping efforts.

In 2005 November, the International Commission on Missing Persons reports progress in identifying victims of the Bosnian War. In 2006 February, Milorad Dodik becomes Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, advocating for greater autonomy within Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2007, the International Court of Justice begins hearings in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s case against Serbia for genocide. But Serbia was found not directly responsible.

2015 June 1 saw the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union, a step towards EU membership. And on 2001 May 26 former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladić is arrested and extradited to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes.

Starting in February 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced unrest- there were protests, riots and demonstrations, but this all ended by April, as the protesters “ran out of steam”.

Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for EU membership in February 2016 and was granted EU candidate status in December 2022.

In March of 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic hits Bosnia and Herzegovina, straining its healthcare system and economy. He recovered after the pandemic was over in around 2023.

Odnosi (Relations)[edit | edit source]

Prijatelji (Friends)[edit | edit source]

  • Albanija - Good Muslim friend! But my burek is of better! We both suffered the wrath of kebab remover and we love old German cars. Defend Shqip! I was considering recognizing Kosovo but there is always Serbia.
  • Austrija -You are one of my best friends!
  • Sjedinjene Države - I am from Bosnia, take me to America! I really want to see, Statue of Liberty! I can no longer wait, take me to United States! Take me to USA, I will assimilate!
  • Hrvatska - My best brother, but please give me some more coastline.

Galerija (Gallery)[edit | edit source]