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*[[File:Mao-icon.png]] [[Maoism]] - [[File:Commie-icon.png]] [[Communism|Commie]] psycho scums, prepare to be eliminated! I bore the all the fighting against the [[File:JapEmp-icon.png]] [[Empire of Japan|Japanese monsters]]  while you just hid and grew your army!
*[[File:Mao-icon.png]] [[Maoism]] - [[File:Commie-icon.png]] [[Communism|Commie]] psycho scums, prepare to be eliminated! I bore the all the fighting against the [[File:JapEmp-icon.png]] [[Empire of Japan|Japanese monsters]]  while you just hid and grew your army!
*[[File:Deng-icon.png]] [[Dengism]] - You’re better than [[File:Mao-icon.png]] [[Maoism|him]] but you’re still bad. RETURN THE MAINLAND TO ME! Three NOes: no contact, no negotiation and no compromise!
*[[File:Deng-icon.png]] [[Dengism]] - You’re better than [[File:Mao-icon.png]] [[Maoism|him]] but you’re still bad. RETURN THE MAINLAND TO ME! Three NOes: no contact, no negotiation and no compromise!
*[[File:JapEmpSane-icon.png]] [[Shōwa Statism]] - Japanese genocidal r*pist scums!! Never forget [[File:Nanjing-icon.png]] [[Nanjing|Nanking]] Massacre!!!
*[[File:ShoStat-icon.png]] [[Shōwa Statism]] - Japanese genocidal r*pist scums!! Never forget [[File:Nanjing-icon.png]] [[Nanjing|Nanking]] Massacre!!! Screw you!
*[[File:Wang Jingwei-icon.png]] [[Wang Jingwei Thought]] - YOU F*CKING NATION TRAITOR!! DARES YOU BETRAY THE NATIONAL REVOLUTION AND CHINA??? AND WORKING WITH [[File:JapEmpSane-icon.png]] [[Shōwa Statism|THEM]]??? GO TO HELL!!!
*[[File:Wang Jingwei-icon.png]] [[Wang Jingwei Thought]] - YOU F*CKING NATION TRAITOR!! DARES YOU BETRAY THE NATIONAL REVOLUTION AND CHINA??? AND WORKING WITH [[File:JapEmpSane-icon.png]] [[Shōwa Statism|THEM]]??? GO TO HELL!!!
*[[File:AntiAuth-icon.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism]] - We need to TAKE BACK THE MAINLAND FIRST, THEN WE’LL DISCUSS ABOUT [[File:Dem-icon.png]] [[Democracy|DEMOCRACY]]!! I will massacre you protesters! White terror mode activate
*[[File:AntiAuth-icon.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism]] - We need to TAKE BACK THE MAINLAND FIRST, THEN WE’LL DISCUSS ABOUT [[File:Dem-icon.png]] [[Democracy|DEMOCRACY]]!! I will massacre you protesters! White terror mode activate

Revision as of 14:20, 21 October 2024

The Japanese are a disease of the skin, the Communists are a disease of the heart.
Chiang Kai-Shek

Chiangism is the ideology of the former president of Republic of China. He is an Authoritarian Unity and Conservative ideology that was highly influential for China before the communist takeover, and Taiwan until the sweeping democratization in the 1990s. Chiangism is a right-wing personal tendency of the ideology known as Tridemism (Three Principles of the People), originally formulated by Sun Yat-Sen.


The right-wing faction of the Kuomintang (KMT) was officially formed following the purge of communists and communist sympathizers within the party in 1927, an event known as the " Shanghai Massacre," which marked the beginning of the "White Terror". Chiang knew the communists were not trustworthy, and when China is weak the communists will try to take over like they did with Russia. The primary targets of this purge were those who advocated for the Soviet model of communist government, including figures like Wang Ming and Mao Tse-Tung (AKA Mao Zedong) from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as left-wing members of the KMT. The Shanghai Massacre and subsequent anti-communist campaigns across China resulted in the deaths of an estimated 40,000 to 300,000 communist-affiliated political dissidents, brought the CCP close to extinction, and started the Chinese Civil War.

A period of prosperity and modernization was experienced in China during the Nanking decade with the modernization of infrastructure and a focus on light industries such as the cotton industry, airlines, highways, and factories. China also had increased education, with schools built nationwide under nationalist rule. However, the achievement was somewhat limited as the nationalists only had limited control over the country, with warlords having de facto control over most parts of China and a raging communist rebellion. Periodical famines continued throughout China. The political tutelage stage was scheduled to end in 1937 with Sun’s ideal of constitutional democracy to be implemented. Still, the process was delayed till the 1940s due to the Sino-Japanese War.

In 1947, a notorious incident happened. It was the 228 Incident, with atrocities committed by the nationalist government, although the Fujian Governor Chen Yi, responsible for mishandling this incident, was later executed for committing the atrocities.

Chiang was focused on killing commies, and decided that he needs to focus on eliminating crisis within before the crisis without, like Japan. But his own generals kidnapped him and forced him to work with Mao in order to prevent Japan from taking over. It was later revealed that the generals that kidnapped him were puppeted by the CCP, and the CCP initially wanted to kill Chiang, but USSR forced them to work together. While Chiang’s forces fought, the CCP used this to their advantage, pretending to fight while growing their army. Chiang also flooded the Yellow River in an attempt to halt the Japan’s invasion, killing lots of his own people in the process. After the war, Chiang’s forces were greatly weakened. Chiang fled to the island of Formosa Island (Taiwan) after getting defeated by Mao Zedong’s army.

After retreating to Taiwan, Chiang learned from his mistakes and failures in the mainland and blamed them for failing to pursue Sun Yat-Sen’s ideals of Tridemism. Chiang’s land reform more than doubled the land ownership of Taiwanese farmers. It removed the rent burdens on them, with former land owners using the government compensation to become the new capitalist class. He promoted a mixed economy of state and private ownership with economic planning. Chiang also promoted a 9-years free education and the importance of science in Taiwanese education and values. These measures generated great success with consistent and strong growth and the stabilization of inflation.

But, Chiang favored the Chinese over the indigenous peoples of Formosa. This led to some genocides.

After Chiang’s death in 1975, Chiangism became less influential. A lot of modern progreesives began vandalizing his statues.


Chiangist Thought is a conservative interpretation of Tridemism. Chiangism is more socially conservative, authoritarian, Confucianist and anti-communist than the original Tridemism. Chiangism is also more anti-Japanese than the original Tridemism. However, after WW2, the relationship between Japan and Chiang’s Taiwan (after his regime fled to Taiwan in the late 1940s) warmed up again due to shared interests, anti-communism, and conservative ideological alignment.


Chiang Kai-Shek emphasized the importance of Chinese nationalism, advocating for a strong, unified state. He believed in the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, staunchly opposing both Japanese imperialism and communist insurgencies.

Authoritarian Governance

Chiangism endorses a centralized and authoritarian form of governance. Chiang Kai-shek maintained strict control over political affairs, prioritizing order and stability over democratic freedoms. The government under Chiang was characterized by his militaristic and hierarchical structure, with a strong emphasis on loyalty and discipline.


A important core tenet of Chiangism is its vehement opposition to communism. Chiang Kai-shek viewed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a dire threat to China's unity and traditional values. His leadership was marked by an ongoing civil war against the CCP, and his administration implemented numerous measures to suppress communist influence and activities.

Economic Modernization

Chiangism supports economic modernization and development, guided by state intervention and planning. Chiang Kai-shek aimed to industrialize China, improve infrastructure, and modernize the economy, though his policies often faced significant challenges and were less successful on the mainland compared to post-war Taiwan.

Confucianist Values

Chiang Kai-shek was a proponent of Confucian values, integrating them into his governance philosophy. He emphasized traditional Chinese values such as filial piety, social harmony, and moral integrity, seeking to cultivate a sense of national identity rooted in China’s cultural heritage.

Military Strength

Chiangism places a strong emphasis on military strength and preparedness. Chiang Kai-shek believed that a robust military was essential for defending the nation against external threats and internal instability. His leadership focused on building and maintaining a powerful and disciplined armed forces.


Contrary to the popular belief that he was pro- capitalist, Chiang Kai-shek behaved in an antagonistic manner to the capitalists of Shanghai, often attacking them and confiscating their capital and assets for the use of the government, even while he was fighting the communists.

Chiang crushed pro- communist worker and peasant organizations and the rich Shanghai capitalists at the same time. Chiang continued Sun's anti-capitalist ideology; Kuomintang media openly attacked the capitalists and capitalism, demanding government-controlled industry instead.


Chiang's detractors denounce him as an incompetent tyrant, and often accuse him of being a fascist dictator who violently suppressed and massacred dissents with white terror and flooded the Yellow River which killed hundreds of thousands and subsequently caused the Henan Famine (even though it was done to resist Japan’s colonization and genocide against China). Detractors also criticize his government's Kleptocracy (even if he did not involve in corruption personally) and the massacre of Taiwanese dissidents during the 228 Massacre.


If when I die, I am still a dictator, I will certainly go down into the oblivion of alldictators. If, on the other hand, I succeed in establishing a truly stable foundation for a democratic government, I will live forever in every home in China.
Chaing Kai-Shek

Chiang Kai-Shek's Life

Chiang Kai-Shek was born on October 31, 1887, in the town of Xikou, Fenghua County, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. He grew up in a time of great turmoil and change in China, marked by the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the rise of revolutionary movements. His early life was influenced by traditional Chinese culture, but he later adopted modern military and political ideas, which shaped his future role as a key leader in China's political and military landscape.



Temporary “Allies”

  • Neoconservatism - We are supposed to be allies, right? Why didn’t you help me during the civil war and why did you try to coup me??? Thankings for yuo aid for me to build Taiwan though. Yuo made my successors sell Taiwan to Japan
  • Stalinism - We have a very complicated relationship like the above.......
  • National Socialism - How can I be your ally when you're an ally of that Japanese devil? I’ll declare war on you too! Thanks for the equipment and advisors though.


  • Maoism - Commie psycho scums, prepare to be eliminated! I bore the all the fighting against the Japanese monsters while you just hid and grew your army!
  • Dengism - You’re better than him but you’re still bad. RETURN THE MAINLAND TO ME! Three NOes: no contact, no negotiation and no compromise!
  • Shōwa Statism - Japanese genocidal r*pist scums!! Never forget Nanking Massacre!!! Screw you!
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - We need to TAKE BACK THE MAINLAND FIRST, THEN WE’LL DISCUSS ABOUT DEMOCRACY!! I will massacre you protesters! White terror mode activate

How to draw

Flag with Chiangist symbolism, a combined flag of the presidential standard of Republic of China and the flag of the Army of Republic of China.
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with red.
  3. Draw a blue horizontal rectangle in the middle of the ball.
  4. Draw a white sun in the middle of the blue rectangle.
  5. Draw a yellow border around the inside of the ball.
  6. Add Chiang’s hat and some badges.
  7. Draw eyes and you are is done finish!
Color Name HEX
Red #FE0000
Blue #000095
Yellow #FEDB01
