Soviet Union in World War II

From Heterodontosaurus Balls

This page about the history of the USSR during WWII. For the main article of this character, see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

I am the man who arranges the tanks, that will make all the Nazis keep away! THE FÜHRER IS DEAD! AND EUROPE IS RED! And let’s all point our guns to the U.S.A!
Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Melody of Tetris

The Soviet Union's participation in World War II was an era that is part of the Stalinist Era. USSR played an important role in defeating the Axis Powers. His activities in the conflict was multifaceted and impactful on several fronts. Initially allies with the German Third Reich to split up Poland, he switched teams when Nazi betrayed him and invaded him. Then, he used “fighting Nazis” as an excuse to spread Soviet imperialism.

Many people claim the Soviets liberated Europe from the Nazis. But the reality is, the Soviet’s communism is far worse then Nazism. While the Nazis aim to eliminate a certain group of people (such as the Jews), communism aims at the total destruction of all people, including their own (as seen in Stalin’s purges on many, MANY of his own party members), physically and spiritually.


Before the "Great Patriotic War", Stalin purged his army. Later, a bunch of failed and useless military campaigns added more to the unnecessary loss of life. Stalin also wanted to catch up to the capitalist world, since his communist state was far behind. USSR came up with a plan, as in 1933 the Nazis came to power: he would cause the Nazis and the Capitalists to go to war with each other, and while they did Soviet can develop himself. And when the war ended, the capitalists would be weak, leaving Soviet as the sole world superpower. USSR tried allying himself with the capitalists in order to stir up war, but they refused due to a lack of trust. So, the USSR decided to ally with the Nazis instead, as to throw them into war was primary, while who he allied with was secondary.

Invading Poland & Finland

In 1939, the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with Nazi Germany, a non-aggression treaty that included secret protocols dividing Eastern Europe. When Nazi Germany requested for him to invade Poland, he first hesitated. Soviet Union believed that Poland was more ready for war then he actually is, plus, Soviet’s army was still fighting Japan. But everything would resolve itself when the Japan heard about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Japan was hoping on allying with the German Third Reich against Soviet, but the non-aggression pact made it not possible. So Japan decided to not fight anymore. As a result, the Soviets invaded Poland from the east shortly after Germany's invasion from the west, effectively annexing territory according to the pact's provisions.

The Winter War took place from November 30, 1939, to March 13, 1940, between the Soviet Union and Finland. The war began when the Soviet Union invaded Finland after he refused to give up territory. Despite being very outnumbered, the Finnish forces used clever tactics and the harsh winter to slow down the Soviet advance. The snipers of Finland are known for taking out huge amounts of Soviet troops.

The war ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty, where Finland had to give up 11% of his land but kept his independence. Still, Soviet Union was humiliated because no one ever thought that tiny Finland would cause so much Soviet casualties.

If we keep throwing men at bullets, they will run out of bullets.
Soviet Union’s strategy during the Winter War, probably

Fight Against the Axis

USSR realized that his plan of throwing the capitalist world into war has failed when Germany invaded and conquered France. The Nazis would become powerful as the sole superpower, not USSR.

In 1941, Operation Barbarossa began as Nazi Germany launched a massive invasion of the Soviet Union, breaking the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The surprise attack caught the Soviets off guard, and the Germans advanced rapidly into Soviet territory, leading to brutal sieges such as the one at Leningrad. However, Soviet resistance stiffened, and the tide began to turn with decisive victories at Moscow and Stalingrad in 1942. The United States also sent tons of weapons to the Soviets, which is contrary to what USSR simps say on the internet where they claim USSR defeated the Nazis all by themselves.

USSR also invaded Iran in August 1941 with the British.

Battle of Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad, fought from August 23, 1942, to February 2, 1943, was a pivotal confrontation between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II. Stalingrad, a key industrial city on the Volga River, held strategic importance for both sides. The battle began with a massive German assault aimed at capturing the city and securing vital oil fields in the Caucasus. However, the Soviets fiercely defended Stalingrad, engaging in intense urban warfare characterized by street-to-street fighting and close-quarters combat. The battle reached its climax in November 1942, when Soviet forces launched a counteroffensive, encircling the German Sixth Army inside the city. Cut off from supplies and reinforcements, the German forces faced dire conditions, including harsh winter weather and Soviet bombardment. Despite Hitler's refusal to allow a retreat, the German army surrendered in February 1943, marking a turning point in the war. The Battle of Stalingrad was a decisive Soviet victory, halting the German advance and boosting Allied morale while inflicting heavy casualties on the Axis Powers.

Defeating the Axis

The year 1943 saw the Soviets achieve a significant victory at the Battle of Kursk, effectively ending German hopes of a successful offensive on the Eastern Front. In 1944, the Soviet Union launched offensives that pushed the Germans back and "liberated" territories in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. What these territories don’t know is that they’ll be under worse rule after the war. Meanwhile, the Allies launched the D-Day invasion of Normandy, opening a second front against Nazi Germany. As the Soviets massacred and raped without discrimination in Hungary and Prussia, the people in Berlin knew what was coming for them, and many tried to flee to the more merciful hands of USA or UK.

The Russian soldiers were raping every girl- from 8 to 80. It was an army of rapists.
Antony Beevor

In 1945, the Soviet Union launched the Vistula-Oder Offensive, pushing deep into German territory and capturing Warsaw. The Red Army’s match into Germany was filled with massacres, looting, and unspeakable amounts of rape. By April, Soviet troops encircled Berlin, leading to the Battle of Berlin and Adolf Hitler's suicide in his bunker. Germany surrendered unconditionally on May 8, marking the end of World War II in Europe. The Soviet Union emerged as one of the victorious Allied Powers, but the war left the country devastated, with over 20 million lives lost. Still, the USSR established puppet states in Eastern Europe from the remains of Nazi Germany.

The victory of the Soviets in WWII, propaganda tells you, was a noble victory, as the mighty Soviets have saved Europe from the evil Nazis. Though it was far from the truth.


  • The famous photo of the unnamed Russian soldier raising the Soviet flag over the ruins of Hitler’s chancellory had to be retaken a few days later because someone at the Soviet propaganda department realized while examining the original photos that the soldier in question was wearing six stolen watches.



  • United States - Thanks for sending me loads of supplies. Even if our opposing ideologies cause tension, we still have to act like we're united and like each other in public.
  • Republic of China - Saved your butt by making him work with you instead of killings you.


    • Look at the number of casualties.
  • German Third Reich - YUO TRATIOR! I THOUGHT WE HAD NON-AGRESSION PACT!! YUO KILLED 20 MILLION OF MY PEOPLE not that I care about them or anything, 1945 BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE!!!
  • Polish Underground State - So what if I massacre your peoples, huh? Poland is must be into communist!
  • Berlin - Yuo need to be liberated, I will rape all your women.

How to draw

Flag of USSR, 5 December 1936 – 19 August 1955. See how the sickle is wider than the flag commonly used.
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with red.
  3. Draw the emblem of the sickle and hammer in the top left of the ball in yellow.
  4. Draw the eyes and you are done!
  5. Draw a ushanka or general's hat with the communist star or hammer and sickle on it (optional)
Color Name HEX
Red #BC0000
Yellow #FCD116


See Also
