Hungary, formerly known as the Third Republic of Hungary, is very hungry a country located in Europe. He is best friends with Poland but this has changed since Hungary is becoming friendly towards
Hungary is often seen as that strange neighbor that moved into your block whose way of life is different from the rest of the neighborhood. Though Hungary may have an isolated culture, it definitely doesn't have an isolated social status. It gets along with almost all of its neighbors and has a good economy along with a very safe society. However, it still has a few traits such as xenophobia and a nearly
corrupt government, which are disapproved by countryballs like
Hungary thinks he's the most genius of all the nations, so he usually comes up with a "great idea" (a trick or a loophole) to solve problems. Hungary is also an observer state of Organization of Turkic States, which is pretty funny because Hungary isn’t Turkic.
Everyone tells the “hungry” jokes to him, which he finds irritating.
Történelem (History)
Hungary was a communist puppet of the Soviet Union before 1989. Inspired by
Poland, he became democratic after 1989 and broke away from
communism. The first free elections were held in 1990. In 1991, the last
Soviet troops left Hungary, ending decades of
Soviet military presence. In 1994, Hungary signed an association agreement with the
European Union, paving the way for future membership. In 1996, Hungary held his first direct
presidential election. Hungary joined
NATO in 1999, and in 2004, Hungary became a member of the
European Union. In 2012 he changed his name from Third Republic of Hungary to just Hungary.
In 2015, Hungary was significantly impacted by the European migrant crisis. The country became a major transit route for refugees and migrants entering the European Union, primarily from conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa. In response, Hungary constructed a border barrier along his southern borders with
Serbia and
Croatia to control the influx of migrants. This action sparked a considerable amount of international debate and criticism.
Kapcsolatok (Relations)
Barátok (Friends)
Lengyelország - Best friend ever! We became friends since the middle ages, and we share common ideologies! But now you support
Ukraine and not
Russia... TRAITOR!
Ausztria - Ah, I remember our
glorious days! We are one of the most iconic duos!
Albánia - A great friend whom I have honoured. A great
Muslim country!
Észtország - My little sister. Yuo is of so cute, I love yuo. She lives with her
step-siblings, but she wants to be Nordic. Also she is fine with my government, but does not understand why I hate the
Fourth Reich.
Finország - My elder brother. Almost same with above.
Ellenségek (Enemies)
Európai Únió - Thank to yuo I can meet with
my son. But you voted to trigger Article 7 sanctions against me! AND HOW DARE YUO TURN MY
Cigány - You steal everything that's movable, and you won't ever work. GO BACK TO WHERE YUO CAME FROM! YUO ARE OF GROSS!
Szatírizmus - Joke about me being hungry is overused. STOP IT!
Hogyan Rajzoljunk (How to draw)

- Draw a ball.
- Fill the ball with three horizontal stripes in this order of colour top to bottom: red, white, green.
- Add the eyes and you are finish!
Color Name | HEX | |
Red | #CE2939 | |
White | #FFFFFF | |
Green | #477050 |