Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, is a transcontinental country located at the boundary of Eastern Europe and West Asia. He is a part of the South Caucasus region. He is Armenia’s worst enemy. Azerbaijan has a lot of oil, making him thə rıchəst country in thə Caucasus.
Tarix (History)
Azerbaijan declared his independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, marking the beginning of a new era. The early years were tumultuous, with Abulfaz Elchibey's brief presidency and the intensifying Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, leading to Heydar Aliyev's rise to power in 1993. A ceasefire in 1994 brought temporary relief, and in 1995, a new constitution was adopted. Heydar Aliyev's presidency laid the foundation for the country's political stability and economic growth, notably with the inauguration of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline in 2006. Ilham Aliyev succeeded his father in 2003, winning subsequent elections in 2008, 2013, and 2018, despite allegations of electoral fraud. A 2016 referendum further consolidated presidential power, including the creation of a vice-presidential position.
In 2020, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict flared up again, resulting in Azerbaijan regaining significant territories before a Russian-brokered ceasefire was signed. Ilham Aliyev's government then focused on reconstruction efforts in these areas. The ruling New Azerbaijan Party maintained its dominance in the 2023 parliamentary elections. As of 2024, Azerbaijan continues to develop his infrastructure and economy while addressing long-standing regional tensions.
Əlaqələr (Relations)
Dostlar (Friends)
- Türkiyə - Bəst brothər, togəthər rəmovıng Armenia. Our languagəs arə vəry closə, but he doəsn't usə glorıous "ə" ləttər bəcausə he says ıt ıs mınə to kəəp. Nicə! Whənəvər soməonə attacks mə, Türkıyə ıs always on my sıdə. And hə's stronk! But comə ınto əurovısıon agaın so wə can gıvə əach othər 12 poınts əvəry yəar plox. Dəfənd Kəbab!
- Malayziya - Thank you for goıng agaınst my rıval Armenia! Also, wə can ımprovə rəlatıons!
Düşmənlər (Enemies)
- Ermənistan - Poor rəlıgıous Caucasıan sıblıng wıth scrıbbləs as an alphabət. Wə fıght somətıməs... İ got back Karabakh! İ'M NOT LOOKİNG FOR YOUR CORƏ TƏRRİTORY. WƏ HAVƏ PƏACƏ! And no, İ am not opprəssıng Ərmenıs ın your clay, ok?
- Artsax - Yəah let’s go! Finally, yuo bəlongings to mə now! No morə indəpəndəncə for yuo!
Necə Çəkmək (How to draw)
- Draw a ball.
- Fill the ball with three horizontal stripes of color top-to-bottom in the following order: blue, red, green.
- Draw a white crescent moon with the curve facing right, in the middle of the red stripe.
- Draw an eight-pointed star in between the curves of the crescent.
- Add the eyes and you are done!
Color Name | HEX | |
Dark Turquoise | #00B5E2 | |
Imperial Red | #EF3340 | |
May Green | #509E2F | |
White | #FFFFFF |
- ↑ Declared independence on 18 October 1991, recognized on 26 December 1991