
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Palau, also known as Republic of Palau, is a jellyfish country in Oceania. She consists of approximately 340 islands. She is small and peaceful, and overall powerless without the protection of America.

She has a flag with one circle like Japan and Bangladesh, but the yellow circle represent moon, in contrary to most of the circles on other countries' flag, which represent the sun.

Dngwal (History)

On October 1, 1994 Palau gained her independence and currently enjoys a Compact of Free Association with the United States - under the terms of which the United States is responsible for Palau's defense.

Legislation making Palauball an "offshore" financial center was passed by the Senate in 1998. In 2001, Palau passed her first bank regulation and anti-money laundering laws.

In 2005, Palau was given $12.8 million in foreign aid from the US.

In 2015, Palau became a member of the Climate Vulnerable Forum under the chairmanship of the Philippines, and at the same time, the country officially protected 80% of her water resources, becoming the first country to do so. The protection of her water resources made significant increases in the country's economy in less than two years.

In April 2022, Palau launched Ol'au Palau, a responsible tourism program aimed to preserve her natural environment and traditional culture.

Beluu (Economy)

Palau's economy consists primarily of tourism, subsistence agriculture, and fishing. Tourist activity focuses on scuba diving and snorkeling in the islands' rich marine environment, including its barrier reefs' walls and World War II wrecks.

Babel (Relations)

Chais (Friends)

Ongul (Enemies)

Ngarar a blai (How to draw)

Flag of Palau

Palau has a drawing rating of trivial.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with blue.
  3. Draw a smaller yellow circle in the ball, slightly off of the middle and towards the left.
  4. Add eyes and you’re done!
Color Name HEX
Blue #0085CA
Yellow #FFD100
