
From Heterodontosaurus Balls

Unity, Struggle, Progress.
Motto of Guinea-Bissau

Guinea-Bissau is a small West African country. Officially known as the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, he is bordered by Senegal to the north, Guinea to the south and east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Covering an area of approximately 36,125 square kilometers, he is home to an estimated population of around 2 million people.

The economy of Guinea-Bissau is largely based on agriculture, with cashew nuts being the main export product. He, the country, also has significant potential in fishing and tourism, thanks to its beautiful archipelago of the Bijagós Islands, which boasts unique biodiversity and pristine beaches.

History[edit | edit source]

1970s-1990s[edit | edit source]

On 24 September 1973, Guniea-Bissau declared independence from Portugal. This was recognized on September 10, 1974. Luís Cabral becomes the first president, his era is marked with repression, human rights violations, and favoritism towards certain ethnicities. On 14 November 1980, a military coup led by João Bernardo "Nino" Vieira ousts president Luís Cabral. Vieira becomes the new president. In 1984, a new constitution is adopted. Vieira is elected as president in a single-party system.

The May 31, 1988, the National Ethnographic Museum in Bissau, the capital city is opened, aiming to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of Guinea-Bissau.

In 1991, multi-party politics is introduced. This was followed by Guinea-Bissau’s first multi-party elections in 1994. Nino Vieira is elected again as president. Between 7 June 1998 and 10 May 1999, civil war erupts between government forces and military rebels. Vieira is ousted in the end.

2000s[edit | edit source]

In 2000, Kumba Ialá is elected President in the first peaceful transfer of power. But in 2003 Kumba Ialá is overthrown in a bloodless coup led by Veríssimo Correia Seabra. And in 2005, Nino Vieira returns from exile and wins the presidential election, again.

In 2008, Guinea-Bissau decided to become a signatory to the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) to address coastal erosion and flooding.

On March 2, 2009, Guinea-Bissau’s president Nino Vieira was assassinated by a group of soldiers during an attack on his residence. So, in June, Malam Bacai Sanhá is elected President.

2010s[edit | edit source]

The year 2010 saw the launch of the Guinea-Bissau Social and Economic Development Plan aimed at reducing poverty and improving infrastructure. In 2012, president Sanhá dies in office. A coup interrupts the election process, and interim governments and transitional councils follow. In 2014 José Mário Vaz is elected president in a peaceful election.

In 2016, Guinea-Bissau, the country is hit by a severe cholera outbreak, prompting international health interventions. In 2017, Guinea-Bissau's Bijagós Archipelago is designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, recognizing its ecological and cultural significance. In 2019 Umaro Sissoco Embaló wins the presidential election, but disputes over the result lead to a prolonged political crisis.

2020s[edit | edit source]

In 2020, Umaro Sissoco Embaló is inaugurated as president amidst political tensions. In 2021, renewable energy projects are introduced to improve electricity access in rural areas.

In 2022, an attempted coup is occurred on February 1. Gunshots were heard in the capital, and many who heard them took shelter. A few hours later, president Umaro Sissoco Embaló declared the coup over, he said that "many" members of the security forces had been killed in a "failed attack against democracy". Still, this event is highlighting what an unstable country Guinea-Bissau is. It is still unknown who attempted the coup.

Relations[edit | edit source]

Friends[edit | edit source]

  • Portugal - Adoptive parent.
  • Russia - Helped me learn to fight in my war of independence. It also gibs weapons.
  • Cuba - Assisted me and my brothers in our wars for independence.
  • Pakistan - I have an embassy in his clay.
  • United Kingdom - You are okay, I guess. Tried to adopt meu before.
  • Senegal - Helpful and proud neighbor, also a Wolof brother but please no anschluss.

How to draw[edit | edit source]

Flag of Guinea-Bissau
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. colour the top half yellow and the bottom half green.
  3. Draw a red strip on the left of the ball.
  4. Draw a 5-pointed black star in the middle of the red strip.
  5. Add the eyes and you’re done!
Color Name HEX
Yellow #FCD116
Green #009E49
Red #CE1126
Black #000000